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st: Stata 11 discrim logistic leave-one-out

From   "Burkhard C. Schipper" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Stata 11 discrim logistic leave-one-out
Date   Mon, 12 Apr 2010 14:26:48 -0700

Dear Statalisticians,

How to do leave-one-out classification tables for logistic
discriminant analysis?

I am using discrim command for discrimination analysis in Stata 11.
For linear, quadratic, or knn discriminant analysis I can produce
leave-one-out classification tables by achieve this by typing

discrim lda ... , ... nootable lootable
discrim qda ..., ... nootable lootable
discrim knn ...., ... nootable lootable

or by using

estat classtable, loo

after performing the discrim commands respectively. This is discussed
nicely in the Stata 11 manual.

However, for logistic discriminant analysis, the Stata 11 manual does
not discuss lootable or loo. In fact, if one types

discrim logistic ...., lootable notable

one obtains an error message

option lootable not allowed

A similar error message occurs after

discrim logistic ..., ...
estat classtable, loo

Why is leave-one-out not allowed in logistic discriminant analysis?

Does anyone know a way around this problem?

Thank you.
Burkhard C. Schipper

Burkhard C. Schipper
Assistant Professor
University of California, Davis
Department of Economics
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

Phone: +1-530-752 6142 (disconnected due to budget cuts at the university)
Fax: +1-530-752 9382

Skype: burkhard.schipper
Email: [email protected]
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