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st: How do i substitute the return local of program in the if expression of the egen command?
A Loumiotis <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: How do i substitute the return local of program in the if expression of the egen command?
Tue, 30 Mar 2010 12:29:07 +0300
I have written a program (with the name andpve) that generates an
expression of the form:
var1>=0 & var2>=0 & ... & varN>=0
and returns this value as a local with name r(andpve).
I then want to use r(andpve) in another progam (rowctotal) where U
substitute it in the if expression of the egen command.
egen `left'_a = rowtotal(`right') if r(andpve), missing
egen `left'_b = rowmin(`right') if !(r(andpve))
But the egen command does not seem understand the r(andpve) as an if
expression or the !(r(andpve)) as an if expression.
What did I do wrong? I'm new to Stata. The code is below.
Best regards,
Antonis Loumiotis
Athens, Greece
program rowctotal, rclass
version 11
gettoken left right: 0
capture drop `left'
andpve `right'
di r(andpve)
egen `left'_a = rowtotal(`right') if r(andpve), missing
egen `left'_b = rowmin(`right') if !(r(andpve))
egen `left' = rowtotal(`left'_*), missing
*drop `left'_*
program andpve, rclass
local k = 1
while "``k''" != "" {
local ++k
local --k
local i = 1
local andpve ""
while `i' <= `k'-1 {
local andpve "`andpve'``i''>=0 & "
local ++i
local andpve "`andpve'``i''>=0"
return local andpve `andpve'
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