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Re: Re: st: How to graph means with correct SE after repeated ANOVA?

From   "RAMPL Linn" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: Re: st: How to graph means with correct SE after repeated ANOVA?
Date   Fri, 26 Mar 2010 15:04:52 +0100


>I am trying to graph the means of a 2-way REPEATED ANOVA in bar charts
>and would like to include the correct standard errors.
>Here is how I would do this in a BETWEEN subject 2-way ANOVA:


>I can see where your going with your code but I think there is an
>easier way using -xtmixed- and -margins-.  You can use -margins- to
>obtain the adjusted cell means along with their standard errors.  We
>have a web page which covers graphing but not specifically for
>repeated measures:



Dear Phil and Dave,

THANK you so much for your advices. In particularly the URL you gave me,
Phil, helped a lot. Since the homepage only provides the information how
to graph a dot-chart, here's what I did to graph a bar chart for a 2-way
mixed ANOVA including the SE:

**** Repeated 2-way anova
* Y = diff_rate
* subject (repeated) = matlab_file
* X1 = trial_2 (0, 1)
* X2 = frequency (0, 1)

anova diff_rate matlab_file trial_2 / matlab_file#trial_2 frequency /
matlab_file#frequency trial_2#frequency, repeated(trial_2 frequency)

*marginal means including 95% confidence interval
margins trial_2#frequency, asbalanced emptycells(reweight) 

*saving information from marginal means in matrices
matrix b=r(b)' //matrix including means of diff_rate for trial_2 (0, 1)

matrix prg=(0\1)#(1\1)  /* # is the kronecker product operator */
matrix list prg

matrix low=(1\1)#(0\1)  /* # is the kronecker product operator */
matrix list low

matrix c=prg,low,b
matrix list c

svmat c, names(c)
list c1-c3 in 1/4

matrix v=r(V)
matrix v=v[1...,1...]
matrix list v

matrix se=vecdiag(cholesky(diag(vecdiag(v))))'
matrix list se

matrix d=b,se
matrix list d

svmat d, names(d)
generate ul = d1 + 1.96*d2
generate ll = d1 - 1.96*d2
list d1-ll in 1/4

* Build a two-way bar graph
generate  group_trial_2_frequency = .
replace group_trial_2_frequency = 0 in 1
replace group_trial_2_frequency = 1 in 2
replace group_trial_2_frequency = 3 in 3
replace group_trial_2_frequency = 4 in 4

twoway (bar d1 group_trial_2_frequency if c2 == 0, color(gs2)) (bar d1
group_trial_2_frequency if c2 == 1, color(gs11)) (rcap ul ll
group_trial_2_frequency, blcolor(gs1))

So this finally worked out, thank you so much.

However, I am not sure how the "margins" command works after a repeated
anova command, since STANDARD ERRORS reported in one group ARE EXACTLY

  |            Delta-method
  |     Margin   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
trial_2 |
     0  |   1.282051   .1263909    10.14   0.000      1.03433
     1  |  -.5940171   .1263909    -4.70   0.000    -.8417386
frequency |
       0  |   .4679487   .1263909     3.70   0.000     .2202272
       1  |   .2200855   .1263909     1.74   0.082     -.027636
frequency |
     0 0  |   1.435897   .1787437     8.03   0.000     1.085566
     0 1  |   1.128205   .1787437     6.31   0.000      .777874
     1 0  |        -.5   .1787437    -2.80   0.005    -.8503311
     1 1  |  -.6880342   .1787437    -3.85   0.000    -1.038365

I looked up
where you see a similar situation for the SE. 

WHY ARE THE SE exactly the SAME? In particular, the consequence is, that
the confidence intervals in one group have the same range (i.e. the same
absolute difference). Is this a mistake or correct? If this is correct
then graphing confidence intervals in this case would not make a lot of

Thank you so much for any advice!

Best Linn

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