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st: Sampling weights in gllamm
Alexis Le Nestour <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: Sampling weights in gllamm
Thu, 18 Mar 2010 19:47:53 +1300
I'm working on a dataset collected in Senegal including 4513 individuals living in 505 households nested in 93 farming organizations.
We use a two stage stratified sampling procedure. A fixed number of farming organizations were sampled in 3 rural communities, and the probability to be picked up for a farming organization depends on its size (number of households). Then, we randomly chose 5 households in each farming organization (few of them were oversampled to increase the sample size). Finally, we interviewed all the household members.
On this dataset I estimate a three level random intercept logistic model to assess the probability of seeking treatment. My levels are individuals, households and farming organizations.
I'd like to introduce the sampling weights in my estimate but:
- I read the paper written by Chantala et al. on this issue and I downloaded the pwgils command but unfortunately it's designed for a two level model.
- I don't know exactly how to use the sampling weights for the individuals. Since we interviewed all the individuals in a household the probability of inclusion on someone equals the probability of inclusion of his/her household. Therefore I'm wondering if I can only use the weights at the household and farming organization levels, even if my analysis is at the individual level.
- I don't know which rescaling method I should use.
Thanks for your consideration.
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