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st: RE: Assigning sex by order of birth

From   "Martin Weiss" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Assigning sex by order of birth
Date   Sun, 14 Mar 2010 16:22:52 +0100



inp byte(Family age_child sex:mylabel), auto
   1            12                 male
   1             5                  female
   1             2                  female
   2             9                  female
   2             7                  female
   2             4                  male  
   2             1                  female
   3			2		male
   3			5		male

bys Family (age_child): gen byte Boy1st=(_n==1)*(sex==1)
by Family (age_child): gen byte Girl1st=(_n==1)*(sex==2)
by Family (age_child): gen byte Boy2nd=(_n==2)*(sex==1)
by Family (age_child): gen byte Girl2nd=(_n==2)*(sex==2)
l, sepby(Family ) noo


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Cinzia Rienzo
Sent: Sonntag, 14. März 2010 15:47
To: stata ??
Subject: st: Assigning sex by order of birth

Dear All,

I have some difficulties in creating variables for children in the 
family accounting for their sex and order of birth; in other words I 
want to create the following variables:
“Boy1st” if   First child born is male;
“Girl1st” if First child born is female
“boy2nd” if Second child born is male
“girl2nd” if Second child born is female   and so on.

I tried with the “egen rank”  to create order using the reverse of  the 
age of children in families:
bysort year family: g agechil=age if member ==”child”
bysort year family: g agechil reversed= agechil*-1
bysort  year  serial : egen rank_var = rank(agechil reversed)

 But when I Tab the rank it gives me: 1; 1.5 ; 2;  2.5;  3; 3.5….. 
My question is:  How can I assign the sex by order of birth in families 
using the rank given that the age of first child and numbers of 
children vary by families? 
As in the example below the first child in family 1 is 12 year old and 
the first child in family 2 is 9.

Family    age of child         sex 
   1            12                 male
   1             5                  female
   1             2                  female
   2             9                  female
   2             7                  female
   2             4                  male  
   2             1                  female

I appreciate any helps and/or suggestions.




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