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Re: st: Re: svy:ivreg with binary outcome variables
Austin Nichols <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Re: svy:ivreg with binary outcome variables
Wed, 10 Mar 2010 18:15:50 -0500
Nisha Malhotra <[email protected]>:
This question is very hard to understand due to typos and notation: do
you have variables d and Z? Are you actually using the out-of-date
command -ivreg- rather than -ivreg2- (SSC) or -ivregress-? Are you
discussing a coef from the first stage regression? Please post an
example using data that is publicly available, with code starting e.g.
webuse nhanes2
svy:ivregress 2sls houssiz (highbp=age)
egen c=group(strata psu)
ivreg2 houssiz (highbp=age) [pw=finalwgt], cl(c)
On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 3:58 PM, Nisha Malhotra <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Statalisters and life savers,
> This the regression we are carrying out
> C=a+bD+dZ
> Where D is a dichotomour variable and C is a categorial variables (0-8). D
> is endogenouse and is instrumented with (d)
> This is for a multistge survey design (Demographic Health Survey).
> Given that C is categorical variable - we use linear probability model in
> the first dtage despite having a binary variable D - that is we use IVREG
> instead for IVprobit.
> The problem we face is as follows.
> If we run
> svy:Ivreg C (D=d) Z
> the coefficient on d (9.7) lies outside the categorical range of C. (0-8).
> increasing d from 0 to 1 increases C by 9.7 ???
> But, in case we ignore issues with the survey design and run a simple
> ivreg C (D=d) Z
> the coefficient on d lies between 0-8.
> Any solutions!
> Thanks a ton
> Nisha
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