Dear statalisters,
I want to estimate a regression with the following syntax:
desmat: svy: reg sathlth obesedum*@docvis
Two problems arise: First, the regression is reported using "_X_1" as dependent variable (which I suppose means that the first category of (ordinally scaled) sathlth is used as dependent variable.)
The second (and in my opinion more severe) problem is that the other catogories for sathlth are included in the output as independent variables.
If I define sathlth as continuous variable (@sathlth) this effect does not occur, but even if I estimate the equation in an ordered probit framework it does (desmat: svy: oprobit sathlth obesedum*@docvis ).
How should I proceed if I want to include sathlth only as dependent variable?
I'm grateful for advices and hints
Björn Bünger
Institute of Public Economics
University of Münster
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