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st: Supertitle/Column equation labels in -xml_tab-

From   Marshall Garland <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Supertitle/Column equation labels in -xml_tab-
Date   Thu, 11 Feb 2010 12:05:44 -0600


I'm using the user-written -xml_tab- to produce summary statistics
tables within a -foreach- loop for multiple campuses. At the top of
the table, I would like to insert a row that includes a title for each
of the two sets of summary statistics that I'm reporting in the table.
Each set of summary statistics includes four categories (Rarely,
Never, Sometimes, Always). One set of summary statistics includes
aggregated summary statistics across all of the levels (schools)
included in my loop. Thus, the label will be static, something to the
effect of "All Schools". The other set, however, should be dynamic and
include the title for the specific campus in each stage of the loop.

I can't seem to do this in -xml_tab- using a combination of -rnames-
and -ceq-. Currently, my clumsy and cluttered solution is to append
the campus and "All HS" label to each of the four categories reported
(see syntax below for -rnames-). To avoid this redundancy, I would
rather insert a new row with column titles that span each set of
summary statistics. Can anyone provide any guidance as to how to do

My data are arranged like this:

Student	school	 Year	var_1_never	var_1_rarely	var_1_occasionally	var_1_always
1      	A	2007	0	1	0	0
2      	A	2008	0	1	0	0
4      	B	2008	0	1	0	0
5      	B	2007	0	1	0	0
7      	C	2007	0	1	0	0
8      	C	2008	0	1	0	0

Thanks in advance.


Link to -xml_tab-:
Link to Stata Journal article($):

local table_q46_jc "q9_1_recode_dummy*"
tabstat `table_q46_jc' if survey_year==2009, save
tabstatmat table_q46_jc
matrix TAB_jc=table_q46_jc

local table_q46_pub "q9_2_recode_dummy*"
tabstat `table_q46_pub' if survey_year==2009, save
tabstatmat table_q46_pub
matrix TAB_pub=table_q46_pub

local table_q46_priv "q9_3_recode_dummy*"
tabstat `table_q46_priv' if survey_year==2009, save
tabstatmat table_q46_priv
matrix TAB_priv=table_q46_priv
matrix table46_combined=(TAB_jc\TAB_pub\TAB_priv)

levelsof school_name, local(levels)
quietly foreach l of local levels {
	tabstat `table_q46_jc' if school_name=="`l'", save
	tabstatmat table_q46_jc`l'
	matrix TAB_jc`l'=table_q46_jc`l'
	tabstat `table_q46_pub' if school_name=="`l'", save
	tabstatmat table_q46_pub`l'
	matrix TAB_pub`l'=table_q46_jc`l'
	tabstat `table_q46_priv' if school_name=="`l'", save
	tabstatmat table_q46_priv`l'
	matrix TAB_priv`l'=table_q46_priv`l'
	matrix table46_combined`l'=(TAB_jc`l'\TAB_pub`l'\TAB_priv`l')
	xml_tab table46_combined`l' table46_combined, save (`working'`l'.xml)
sheet(tableunkown) ///
	append format((S2110) (S2210 N2203)) ///
	lines(COL_NAMES 2 LAST_ROW 3) font("Times New Roman" 12) ///
	rnames ("Public junior or community college" "Public 4-year" "Private
4-year") ///
	cnames ("`l' Never" "`l' Rarely" "`l' Sometimes" "`l' Always" "All HS
Never" "All HS Rarely" "All HS Sometimes" "All HS Always")

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