Have you actually tried to -ereturn post- foreign results and apply -suest-
to them? That sounds like a stretch to me. You should first check whether
you can recreate the results in Stata, perhaps using -reg3/nlsur-?
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Valerie Orozco
Envoyé : lundi 8 février 2010 16:29
À : '[email protected]'
Objet : RE: nlcom from several estimations
Thank you John and Martin.
John : by "model", I don't mean different groups, but really different models. I'm estimating 4 different systems of equations (N3SLS= Nonlinear 3 stages system of equations) and the variables are not the same in each one. (my goal is then to estimate unconditional elasticities in a demand system coming from the elasticities from different steps...).
"Suest" seems to do what I need except that I have a difficulty due to the fact that the estimation wasn't done with Stata (because Stata doesn't easily estimate N3SLS). But like I prefer Stata, I stored the b and V matrix into text files and then insheet in Stata and re"build" my matrix b`i' and V`i' (i=1,...,4)...I can also use "ereturn post" to "re"build each estimation and store it.
But, doing "suest", it seems some informations (for example e(sample), e(N)...stored by local during the estimation) are missing...
If you have more ideas...
Thank you