what do you get if you asked for row percentages instead of column
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Adhikari,
Sent: Thursday, 4 February 2010 7:01 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: svy:tab why standard error and confidence intervals for
count are different than for percentages [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Dear Listers
I am using svy:tab to generate estimate for a variable; one in terms of
percentages and another in terms of weighted numbers. The results in the
first table show that 95.3% said yes to H1, with a standard error of
0.51896%. Given the size of the population (weighted population size of
9577.258); I should be able to estimated the weighted population with
the estimated percentage. In terms of weighted counts, 95.3196% of
9577.258=9129.0 said yes to H1. This weighted number is available in the
second table.
Since the standard error of the estimated prevalence is 0.51896%, I
would have thought that I can convert this percent to count. In terms of
weighted count it should be 0.51896%*9577.258=49.70. However, the
results in the second table show that the standard error of the weighted
count is whooping 390.4 compared to 49.7.
Are the variance estimation methods different for counts and
percentages? I would appreciate any pointer to the literature or any
explanation to this anomaly.
Thanks in advance.
. svy: tab B1 AGE, col per se ci format(%8.0g);
(running tabulate on estimation sample)
Number of strata = 4 Number of obs = 4728
Number of PSUs = 854 Population size = 9577.258
Design df = 850
B1. | AGE
| 18-64 65+ Total
Yes | 95.4283 94.8244 95.3196
| (.629407) (.519357) (.51896)
| [94.0213,96.5164] [93.7049,95.7539] [94.1889,96.239]
No, Resp | 3.84734 3.94298 3.86456
| (.566421) (.466178) (.467171)
| [2.87742,5.12696] [3.12318,4.96693] [3.04508,4.89344]
No, Resp | .551012 .848229 .604518
| (.196268) (.215967) (.165789)
| [.273566,1.10672] [.514144,1.39635] [.352625,1.03448]
Don't Kn | .173358 .280251 .192601
| (.130816) (.114265) (.109104)
| [.039371,.759864] [.125804,.623127] [.063302,.584459]
Refused | 0 .104101 .018741
| (0) (.080389) (.014434)
| [.022849,.47292] [.004133,.084943]
Total | 100 100 100
. svy: tab B1 AGE, count se ci format(%8.0g);
(running tabulate on estimation sample)
Number of strata = 4 Number of obs = 4728
Number of PSUs = 854 Population size = 9577.258
Design df = 850
B1. | AGE
| 18-64 65+ Total
Yes | 7494.11 1634.9 9129
| (312.169) (63.6021) (350.389)
| [6881.39,8106.82] [1510.06,1759.73] [8441.27,9816.73]
No, Resp | 302.137 67.9821 370.119
| (47.2943) (8.40981) (48.005)
| [209.31,394.964] [51.4757,84.4885] [275.897,464.341]
No, Resp | 43.2717 14.6246 57.8963
| (15.5448) (3.7955) (16.0738)
| [12.761,73.7824] [7.17493,22.0742] [26.3472,89.4453]
Don't Kn | 13.614 4.83189 18.4459
| (10.295) (1.96964) (10.4707)
| [-6.59256,33.8206] [.965959,8.69783] [-2.10556,38.9974]
Refused | 0 1.79483 1.79483
| (0) (1.38913) (1.38913)
| [0,0] [-.931702,4.52137] [-.931702,4.52137]
Total | 7853.13 1724.13 9577.26
| (327.514) (66.3948)
| [7210.3,8495.96] [1593.81,1854.45]
Key: weighted counts
(linearized standard errors of weighted counts)
[95% confidence intervals for weighted counts]
Pramod Adhikari
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Phone: 02-6249 5111
Fax: 02-6244 1299
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