By the way, the help for -fs- on SSC gives this more interesting example:
. fs *.gph
. foreach f in `r(files)' {
. graph use `f'
. more
. }
[email protected]
Nick Cox
This works fine for me:
. forval i = 1/10 {
2. di "this is statement `i'"
3. more
4. }
At each -more- I need to press the bar.
What doesn't work with your code?
[email protected]
Thomas Speidel
Is there an option that I can place inside a loop to make Stata stop, let
the user digest the output, and move on after that?
Much like the "more" and set more on/off, where I can press the spacebar
to move on. This is to be placed inside a loop that generates a sequence
of graphs. help more and help window manage did not bring me far.
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