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st: Static panel data for simultaneous equations system

From   Berkan Guney <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Static panel data for simultaneous equations system
Date   Sun, 31 Jan 2010 10:52:04 +0200


Is it possible to estimate static panel data of simultaneous equations
with STATA?
If yes, how?

As far as I know, for static panel data, it is possible with Baltagi's
EC3sls (Error component 3 stage least square). I checked website of
STATA, I could not be sure whether it has
EC3sls or not in STATA ?

Is there any other method for simulataneous equation estimation for
panel data (static and/or dynamic) in STATA?

If not, do you have any suggestion any methodogy (or software) for
solving static panel triangular simultaneous equations system in

Y(t,i)= X1(t,i)+X2(t,i)+X3(t,i) + P(t,i) + Z(t,i)
P(t,i)= X3(t,i)+X4(t,i)+X5(t,i)+ Y(t,i) + Z(t,i)
Z(t,i)= Y(t,i)+ P(t,i) + X5(t,i)+X6(t,i)

Thanks in advance

Berkan Guney
Yeditepe University
Financial Economics
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