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Re: st: re: mean2

From   Roy Wada <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: re: mean2
Date   Fri, 29 Jan 2010 09:44:34 -0800

> true to do dammage. You just need to repeat it
> often enough to cast doubt on someones reputation.

I said I will stop this thread, but I will make an exception to a guy
who wants to continue this thread.

Maarten, you are hardly the one to talk.

First, don't ever thread-jack again. You are a habitual offender on
this point, going into outreg or outreg2 thread. You did it again
yesterday. Not only are you interfering with diagnosis, you are
spamming the list with estout. LISTEN CAREFULLY, MAARTEN: I have not
gone into estout threads and say something like, type "ssc install
outreg2" and it will fix all your problems. Unlike you, I can do it
with a straight face because it will be true most of the time.

Second, don't ever speak in negative terms about American presidents
in any way or form on this list again. Whether I agree with Bush or
not is besides the point. You are not qualified. I don't call you a
bunch of German-speaking hooligans, which is what you and Ben have
been, bashing the qualities of other people's programs.

Third, the claim of plagiarism has been disproven by whom? You? You
are hardly unbiased. David Souther? An unknown person. Marcello? He
told you to look at the evidence. Nick Cox? Nick has repeatedly said
he has never used outreg2, and he doen't even know what's in the help
file. For someone who has never used the program, he has strong
opinions. He hasn't disproven anything.

And we have yet to hear from Ben Jann. He has yet to explain his habit
of knocking off many problems by other people, in some cases taking
codes into his own program and not disclosing this publicly in the
help file.

Ben Jann has yet to explain to me why the estout file says "idea
stolen from outreg2.ado". Ben Jann puts comments like that in his
programs when he has taken codes from outside source. He owes me an

By saying "stolen from outreg2.ado", he implied he went into the file.
The formula I used for the significant digits is inefficient because I
wrote it it from scratch. Ben Jann copied it. He also forgot to change
a macro name. My program (1) checks for integers, (2) checks the right
side of decimal point, and (3) check the left side of decimal point.
Ben's program does the same thing. What a foolish thing to do.

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