--- On Fri, 29/1/10, Roger Harbord wrote:
> Surely that depends on the size of the dataset too? If
> Dan's outcome variable has thousands of successes and
> thousands of failures then i'd have thought there might
> be enough information to estimate the position of a
> single knot in a linear spline, if not in a cubic
> spline. Agree there's no built-in command to fit this (nor
> user-written one AFAIK) so it would take a bit of
> programming in -ml- (though you could call -mkspline- and
> -logit- to do most of the work).
Some models are identified in theory but demand so much of
the data that in practice they will virtually always fail to
converge. I would classify the logistic with an unknown knot
location in this category.
Anyhow, the programming is not such a big deal. Below is the
the likelihood if you want to give it a try:
program define splogit_lf
version 8.2
args lnf xb b1 b2 k
tempvar eta
qui gen double `eta' = `xb' + `b1'*$sp + `b2'*max($sp-`k', 0)
qui replace `lnf' = ln(invlogit(`eta')) if $ML_y1 == 1
qui replace `lnf' = ln(invlogit(-`eta')) if $ML_y1 == 0
Here `xb' captures the control variables, `b1' the effect of
the first spline term and `b2' the effect of the second spline
term, `k' is the location of the knot. The variable that you
want to turn into a spline has to be stored before the program
in the global sp.
Alternatively, you could do a grid search, like in the example
below. You can see why this is such a hard problem, the
likelihood function appears to be bi-model and there seems
to be a considerable platteau near the global maximum.
*-------------- begin example ----------------------
sysuse nlsw88, clear
sum wage, detail
local begin = r(p5)
local end = r(p95)
local step = (`end' - `begin')/101
tempvar ll k
gen double `ll' = .
gen double `k' = .
local j = 1
forvalues i = `begin'(`step')`end' {
capture drop sp*
mkspline sp1 `i' sp2 = wage
logit union south sp*
replace `ll' = e(ll) in `j'
replace `k' = `i' in `j++'
twoway line `ll' `k'
*-------------------- end example ------------------
Hope this helps,
Maarten L. Buis
Institut fuer Soziologie
Universitaet Tuebingen
Wilhelmstrasse 36
72074 Tuebingen
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