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Re: st: attempting to return the 'rstub' 'cstub' from svy: tab

From   Tirthankar Chakravarty <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: attempting to return the 'rstub' 'cstub' from svy: tab
Date   Fri, 29 Jan 2010 12:25:32 +0530

In which case, you probably need to access the information left behind
in the matrices "e(Col)" and "e(Row)" after -svy: tab-.

svy: tab sex race if(race!=2)

di "`:colnames e(Col)'"
di "`:colnames e(Row)'"


2010/1/29 Jason Ferris <[email protected]>:
> Dear Eric,
> I appreciate your response which I found very insightful - including the
> labutil package.
> However, calling on the macros below after running the svy command
> clear
> use
> svy: tab sex race if race~=2
> di "`e(colvlab)'"
> di "`e(rowvlab)'"
> doesn't address my dilemma.  In the example the condition race~=2 means
> that (race==black) is dropped from the tabulation and the resulting 2x2
> table displayed has only "white" and "other" as the two categories
> included.  When you call the e(Prop) matrix information (from ereturn
> list) you are presented with a 2x2 cell proportion of the matrix.
> I am wanting to use this matrix [e(Prop)] in other code but would also
> like the matching label names that was used in the model.  Referring to
> `e(colvlab)' doesn't do this for me - as it uses the information in the
> labelbook of all value labels - not only the value labels that are in
> the table.
> Further advise would be appreciate... my apologies that this thread
> doesn't continue with the previously posted one (I only get daily stata
> postings).
> Jason
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