This is true but a very minor problem which as Rich says itself has many
solutions. One is to copy the code and incorporate it as a subprogram
with some name such as -mysxpose- or -_sxpose-. That way it is
independent of my -sxpose-.
I have already said twice that Roy does not need my prior permission to
borrow my code with acknowledgment. Same applies to anything else.
Equally I can't promise to know who is using what and what might be
[email protected]
Richard Williams
At 08:22 AM 1/28/2010, Nick Cox wrote:
>1. I gather from what Roy says that a fixed version of -mean2- will
>shortly appear on SSC, that acknowledges the use of my -sxpose- and
>attributes it to me.
As a side note, I think it is a little risky to rely on calling
someone else's program like this. Stata is good about keeping things
working under version control. But, Nick or some other author might
decide to make some change in their program some day that would
inadvertently break the program that calls it. A common scenario is
when someone comes up with a new version of the program that requires
Stata 11; or, they might change the names of returned values without
realizing they are causing grief for you.
It might be better to copy the code almost verbatim into your own
program. Before doing that, I would suggest (a) you get permission
first, and (b) provide proper acknowledgment if permission is
given. If nothing else, just telling the author you call their
program might make them more careful about making changes that could
unnecessarily/ inadvertently break your program.
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