Leandro Brufman <[email protected]>:
The -range- option will not shrink the range if -graph- thinks you
need a wider range. Why can't you follow Nick's advice and divide one
series by an appropriate constant?
On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 2:40 PM, Leandro Brufman
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Thank you very much for your answers. I was thinking on one possible
> solution to this problem. Making both sides symmetric. For example, if
> the right hand axis ranges from -6 to 6 and the left hand axis ranges
> from -25 to 25, then in both cases zero should be at the middle,
> right? (see example)
> ****** begin example *************
> clear*
> set seed 123456
> set obs 100
> gen time=_n
> gen serie1=rnormal()
> gen serie2=rnormal(1,2)
> tw ///
> || line serie1 time, yaxis(1) ///
> || line serie2 time, yaxis(2) ///
> || , yscale(range(-6 6) axis(1)) ///
> yscale(range(-25 25) axis(2)) ///
> yline(0)
> ****** end example *************
> Well, the thing is that I am running the same graph for different
> countries, so I would like to have different ranges for each country.
> So I tried summarizing serie1 and serie2 for each country and saving
> it into a local macro, so that I can latter put it on range. But for
> some reason I had to use global macros (local macros disappeared after
> the loop), and when trying to implement this code it doesn't work
> properly (that is, I do not get the same results as in the previous
> example.
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