" Why is -rlist- truncated to 244 chars in the return list?"
Well, it is not, the -ret list- is correct. You do, however, get bitten by
the "length of string in string expression" limit, which -display- obeys.
See -h limits-...
The code below shows that the -return list- contains the correct strings.
BTW, -test- is part of official Stata, so let`s call this thing "test2"...
cap prog drop test2
program define test2, rclass
version 11
local rlist
forv i=1/100 {
local text "text`i'"
local rlist `rlist' `text'
di "`rlist'"
return local test `"`rlist'"'
log using mylog, name(newlog) replace
ret li
log close newlog
translate mylog.smcl mylog.txt, replace
!start mylog.txt
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Jeph Herrin
Gesendet: Montag, 25. Januar 2010 17:52
An: [email protected]
Betreff: st: problem with -return macro-
I thought I understood this, but maybe I'm just making
an obvious typo. When I run the following
************* test ***************
program define test, rclass
version 11
local rlist
forv i=1/40 {
local text "text`i'"
local rlist `rlist' `text'
di "`rlist'"
return local test `"`rlist'"'
di r(test)
Why is -rlist- truncated to 244 chars in the return list? I have
tried this a number of different ways (I guess I have never tried
to return a long string before?); I thought as long as I used
macro copy rather than evaluate, macros would not get truncated.
I have tried many variations on the -return- assignment, but this
is the one explicitly recommended on [P] page 340.
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