In fact, that doesn't work, which may be an important detail.
Why not try -graph hbox- instead?
[email protected]
Nick Cox
graph box price,
by(foreign, row(1) sub(,orient(vertical) al(middle) j(left)))
The -subtitle()- call is in the wrong place.
You don't have to understand this. (I don't.)
The rule is: With -by()-, an option belongs either within -by()- or
outside. If one is illegal or produces dopey results, try the other.
Cohen, Elan
I'm using Stata 10. In a graph similar to this:
sysuse auto, clear
graph box price, by(foreign,row(1)) sub(,orient(vertical) al(middle)
I can't understand why there is so much "vertical" space in the
subtitles above each boxplot. I've tried:
graph box price, by(foreign,row(1)) sub(,orient(vertical) al(middle)
j(left) margin(zero))
but this doesn't do anything. It seems like the size of the subtitle
region is always the same as the size of the plot, even if I were to
specify -sub("")-. Is there any way around this? (The reason I'm using
-orient(vertical)- is because my value labels can get long, and end up
overlapping otherwise.)
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