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st: movestay command
Dear Statalisters,
I'm using the movestay command (Lokshin and Sajaia, 2006) in order to estimate
the effect of subsidies on
some indicators of firms' performance.
In the routine it must be especified the variables influencing in the
selection equation (determinants of the subsidy) and
variables influencing the firm's performance under two regimes: firms with and
without subsidies.
The question is, has the vectors of variables in the selection equation
(probability to receive a subsidy) be the same of the vector of variables
affecting firms' performance?. In theory there are important differences between
these two vector of variables, but I can't found how can I
use a different vectors of variables in this routine.
Thanks for your help
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Dear Statalisters,
I'm using movestay command and I try to estimate the effect of subsidies on some indicators of firms' performance.
In the routine it must be especified the variables influencing in the selection equation (determinants of the subsidy) and
variables influencing in the effect of the treatment, in this case, in
the firm's performance. The question is, has the determinant of
selection variables be the same of the treatment variables? I can't
found how can I use a different vectors of variables in this routine.
Thanks for your help