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Re: st: RE: "request ignored because of batch mode"

From   Sergiy Radyakin <>
Subject   Re: st: RE: "request ignored because of batch mode"
Date   Fri, 15 Jan 2010 20:44:00 -0500

On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Martin Weiss <> wrote:
> <>
> " Is Stata's batch mode described only in the following FAQ?
> or is there an entry in the printed(Stata 10)/PDF(Stata 11) manuals? If so,
> I
> would appreciate a hint."
> [GSW], C.6. talks about batch mode...

Thank you Martin, there is somewhat more information there, but still not
precisely what I am looking for. It does expand the information from the
FAQ, but does not mention that some commands may not work, and
does not list these commands, which is my concern.

Have a good weekend,
   Sergiy Radyakin

> Martin
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Sergiy Radyakin
> Sent: Freitag, 15. Januar 2010 21:19
> To:
> Subject: st: "request ignored because of batch mode"
> Dear All,
> I am looking for the full list of commands that are disabled in the batch
> mode.
> These are the commands that cause Stata to produce a message "request
> ignored because of batch mode" and continue execution.
> An example is "shell": shell notepad
> Is Stata's batch mode described only in the following FAQ?
> or is there an entry in the printed(Stata 10)/PDF(Stata 11) manuals? If so,
> I
> would appreciate a hint. If not, IMHO this ancient feature deserves an entry
> in the manual.
> Google does not yield any results for the search text:
> "request ignored because of batch mode" nor for the text
> "request ignored due to batch mode" (used in Stata 9),
> which gives me an idea that probably this is not a very popular
> discussion topic.
> What is the rationale for disabling shell in the batch mode? What if I need
> to
> convert my data using an external program? If this is security-related, then
> using plugins this restriction can be alleviated and security breached
> anyways
> (I didn't have time to check if the plugins are disabled as well, I
> hope not), so
> it looks like a pure inconvenience.
> Note, that there is plenty of user-written commands that utilize
> -shell- or -winexec-
> for launching external ("boutique") programs for miscelleneous purposes, for
> example to convert output to PDF, or execute a command in R. Authors of such
> user-written commands might want to signal in the help file or package
> description
> whether the command is safe to use in the Stata's batch mode.
> Thank you,
>      Sergiy Radyakin
> //---------- IN BATCH MODE (Stata\MP\10.1):
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> . shell notepad
> request ignored because of batch mode
> . winexec c:\windows\notepad.exe
> request ignored because of batch mode
> . window stopbox note "this is a message"
> request ignored because of batch mode
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