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Re: st: significant digits format

From   Roy Wada <>
Subject   Re: st: significant digits format
Date   Tue, 12 Jan 2010 08:19:37 -0800

No, Ben. You are acting like a student who gets caught and complains
that he did not understand that paraphrasing someone's work without
citation is plagiarism.

Yours:         local left = int(log10(abs(`value'))+1) // digits before dp
Mine:          local left=int(ln(abs(`input'))/ln(10)+1)

By your own words, this is a "stolen" work. This makes it a
plagiarized work. And that makes you a plagiarist. This is
unprofessional and academically dishonest. It needs to stop.

The prattle about being similar or not similar is beneath you.
-sigdig- is a rewriting of SignificantDigits. I don't keep tabs on
what you do. I take people at their word, but your words fail me.

You are fooling yourself and many others if you say that you are
making useful contributions by deliberately knocking off other
people's work to the point of extracting codes and inserting them into
yours, putting your name on top, and misrepresenting yourself as the
contributing author.

It seems you are unable to correct these errors on your own. Based on
the earlier post, you seem to think there was nothing wrong. Listen to
me carefully because you don't seem to appreciate the enormity of what
you have done. You have a history of taking other people's work and
misrepresenting yourself as the orignal author.

-esttab- is a plagiarized work. It is based largely on -outreg2-. This
was something that you could not have written on your own. It would be
nice to if you could have, but based on your other work this was
apparently something that was beyond you. What you did was blatant and
shameful. So shameful in fact that I don't know why you are making me
come out and say these things.

-estout- is loosely base on the original -outreg-. By distributing the
program without giving adequate credit to the original source (not
given in the help file, not in the website, not the handouts and
presentations floating around), you have plagiarized John's work. This
has greatly hurt John's reputation, giving rise to the impression that
there was something wrong with his work.

This was completely untrue and highly unfair. Unlike you, John was
highly original. I admire originality. I don't expect you to share my
values, but I do have problems with people who do not understand any
of this yet wishes to present themselves as a scholar. Scholar you are
not. Scholars respect the integrity of other's work. Author you are
not. Authorship does not consist of "stolen" work.


On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 2:43 AM, Ben Jann <> wrote:
> Roy,
> the two programs indeed provide very similar functionality but looking
> at the code you provided it seems clear that one is not a copy-paste
> version of the other. Also, there has been no recent rewriting of
> SignificantDigits. The routine was added to estout.ado on 11sep2006
> (version 2.31) and has remained the same since then.
> Peace,
> ben
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