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Re: st: formatted output

From   Jeph Herrin <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: formatted output
Date   Mon, 11 Jan 2010 22:25:42 -0500

Thanks to Eric and Ben for a couple of ideas to pursue. The ODT
approach is most appealing, but looks like a big time investment -
will see how it goes.


Ben Jann wrote:
Adam Jacobs had a nice talk at the London meeting on using Open
Document Format xml for reports. See Maybe get in touch with

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 7:51 PM, Eric Booth <[email protected]> wrote:

Have you tried -rtfutil- (from SSC) ?

~ Eric
Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute
Texas A&M University
[email protected]
Office: +979.845.6754

On Jan 11, 2010, at 12:45 PM, Jeph Herrin wrote:

I am trying to use Stata to generate reports, each of which
contains tables and graphs relevant to one of many units
(here, hospitals).

In the past I have done this one of two ways. One is
to use Stata to create a CSV table of results, and
then a word processing program (eg Word) to "merge"
each row of the table into a template to create the reports.
This makes nice reports, but runs into trouble if some
units have exceptions, and requires then converting all
the (eg) Word files to PDF etc etc.

So when suitable I use -file- to write text, including SMCL
tags, to a text file, and then -translate- to filter the
.smcl files into postscript files. This works fairly well
if there are only tables/text (no graphs), and if Courier
is acceptable. What I would like to do is

1) Embed some graph format in smcl so that it is converted or
streamed into the postscript file (or linked into the postscript
so it is embedded in a final PDF file)?

2) Tag the SMCL in such a way that -smcl2ps- uses other, proportional
fonts for tagged text?

Anyone have any experience or insight into how to solve either
problem? I think I have to solve both or else use the MS Word
method for this project.

I'll just add that this remains one of Stata's larger shortcomings
relative to other statistical packages, I work with analysts who
use **S for everything they do only because it gives pretty output
when they need it.

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