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Re: st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: global macro for system directory?

From   David Wallace <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: global macro for system directory?
Date   Sun, 10 Jan 2010 07:44:14 +0800 (SGT)

Thanks Eric!  This works great.

----- Original Message ----
From: Eric Booth <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, 9 January 2010 5:30:11
Subject: Re: st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: global macro for system directory?


I'm not sure what you mean by re-routing the filepaths, but I think Martin is right that you are looking for some kind of find/replace.  You can do this across all your do-files at once, rather than by opening each individual file (( if you are careful about specifying the correct directories to search/replace file paths, and you're sure that this process won't accidentally overwrite filepaths somewhere in those files that are critical for other programs/tasks)) 
I did something like this when I moved from a Windows machine to a Mac.  I had a lot do-files which included references to locations on my Windows machine, and these do-files were stored in several locations:  my harddrive (`mydirs', in the code below), server (`server_dir'), and my external HD (`bkp_dir').    You could adapt the code I used for this process:

*-----------------------BEGIN CODE
//directories where my do-files were located
local mydirs "/users/eric_a_booth//"   "/users/eric_a_booth/project/code//" 
local server_dir  "/volumes/projectfiles/coderepository//"
local bkp_dir "/volumes/ENCRYPT_BACKUP/eric_a_booth//"

//filepaths to change:
local from "C:\BSdata\BSproject\BSebooth\BS"
local to "/users/eric_a_booth/"
/*  note: 
filefilter requires "\BS" instead of just a backslash "\"

foreach d in `mydirs' `server_dir' `backup_dir' {
global files: dir "`d'/" files "*.do", respectcase
tokenize `"$files"'
while "`1'" != "" {
    filefilter "`d'/`1'" "`d'/`1'2", from("`from'") to("`to'") replace
    copy "`d'/`1'2" "`d'/`1'", replace
    erase "`d'/`1'2"
        di "file `1' in directory `d' converted "
      macro shift
global all: dir "`d'" dirs "*", respectcase
foreach j of global all {
di "`j'"
global files: dir "`d'`j'/" files "*.do", respectcase
tokenize `"$files"'
while "`1'" != "" {
    filefilter "`d'`j'/`1'" "`d'`j'/`1'2", from("`from'") to("`to'") replace
    copy "`d'`j'/`1'2" "`d'`j'/`1'", replace
    erase "`d'`j'/`1'2"
            di "file `1' in directory `d'`j'  converted "
      macro shift
*-----------------------END CODE
This will search the folders/directories you specify, plus one level of directories below that level.  You can delete the "subdir" part if you don't want this (or use a loop to extend this to more sub-levels if you'd like).  Again, take care when making these changes across many files/folders all at once.

~ Eric
Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute
Texas A&M University
[email protected]
Office: +979.845.6754

On Jan 9, 2010, at 4:58 PM, David Wallace wrote:

> I have a similar issue with migrating Stata to a new laptop and running my .do file.  Can I change my hardcoded file paths in all my old .do files by specifying a macro that can reroute the filepaths used in a .do file?  So if my .do file says   " use "C:\Documents and Settings\DW\My Documents\thesis.dta", clear " can I specify an macro that will reroute all the "C:\Documents and Settings\DW\My Documents" part in .do files to something like "C:\Documents and Settings\administrator\Documents\"  ????
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Hoffman, George
> Sent: Samstag, 9. Januar 2010 05:33
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: global macro for system directory?
> I recently reinstalled stata 10 on my computer with a new os (windows 7). On
> my old computer, I had installed in "c:\program files\stata". On the new
> computer, it was in "c:\program files\stata10" by default. I had previously
> written a bunch of ado and do files for data and log file manipulation that
> referenced hardcoded directories under "c:\ptogram files\stata".
> I know that the sysdir command will reveal the STATA directory to be the
> install directory. Is there a way to retrieve that into a macro or tempvar
> that I can then reference from a do or ado file?
> Yes, it would all work fine if I just renamed my stata install dir - but I'd
> rather not hardcode if possible.
> Thanks,
> George Hoffman
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