Sounds more like a case for a search and replace operation in your favorite text editor than a Stata problem.
-original message-
Subject: st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: global macro for system directory?
From: David Wallace <[email protected]>
Date: 09-01-2010 23:59
I have a similar issue with migrating Stata to a new laptop and running my .do file. Can I change my hardcoded file paths in all my old .do files by specifying a macro that can reroute the filepaths used in a .do file? So if my .do file says " use "C:\Documents and Settings\DW\My Documents\thesis.dta", clear " can I specify an macro that will reroute all the "C:\Documents and Settings\DW\My Documents" part in .do files to something like "C:\Documents and Settings\administrator\Documents\" ????
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Hoffman, George
Sent: Samstag, 9. Januar 2010 05:33
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: global macro for system directory?
I recently reinstalled stata 10 on my computer with a new os (windows 7). On
my old computer, I had installed in "c:\program files\stata". On the new
computer, it was in "c:\program files\stata10" by default. I had previously
written a bunch of ado and do files for data and log file manipulation that
referenced hardcoded directories under "c:\ptogram files\stata".
I know that the sysdir command will reveal the STATA directory to be the
install directory. Is there a way to retrieve that into a macro or tempvar
that I can then reference from a do or ado file?
Yes, it would all work fine if I just renamed my stata install dir - but I'd
rather not hardcode if possible.
George Hoffman
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