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st: Help! WS design with multiple factors and missing data!

From   Stewart Madon <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Help! WS design with multiple factors and missing data!
Date   Fri, 8 Jan 2010 12:58:44 -0500


I am new to STATA, and I apologize if this question seems inordinately
basic, but I am trying to use it to analyze a large-ish WS model of
psychophysical data.  I have entered the data in columns in a
"per-level" MOCS format (e.g. column 1 is 1st level of the 1st
condition... of the 1st condition of the 1st block...).  My total
design is a 3(block) X 2(depth plane) X 2(eccentricity) X 6(stimulus
level) all WS (a total of 72 variables), and I cannot for the life of
me figure out how to get STATA to group the variable into conditions
or factors.  SPSS would simply ask to define the factors and the
number of levels they contain, but I can find no such parallel option
in STATA.  My problem is further complicated by the fact that my Ns
are uneven across conditons (some participants did not adequately
perform the task, so their data are to be ignored).

Does anyone know of anything that would help?

Thank you!

Stewart Madon, M.A.
Ph.D. Clinical Psychology Candidate
Centre for Biological Timing and Cognition
Psychology Dept., Lakehead University
Thunder Bay, ON
CBTC-Sensory Neurosci & Percept Lab (SNAPL): (807)343-8418

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