I did not advise to make any correction, simply pointed out an error - which
has since seen official confirmation, so it is hard to argue that it is not
an error...
Your code initially stopped because there was a line beginning "resample...
which Stata could not understand. This initial finding does not preclude the
existence of other errors.
The bare minimum to make corrections on your own - which is strongly
discouraged - is to -prog drop _all - to get rid of any leftovers from the
old code. From your error message, it seems you put the corrected code into
a new .ado file, but I would not encourage you to do that.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2010 22:07
To: statalist
Subject: st: From: Woolton Lee <[email protected]>
When I apply your correction to bsample.ado I get another error
(assuming I made the corrrection correctly).
. forvalue i=1/5{
2. clear
3. use bsampletest, clear
4. qui tab trmtgp
5. scalar prnt=0.5 // to set 50 percent
sampling, can change
> the number here
6. qui count if trmtgp==0 // comparision market in beginning
7. scalar tabgp1=int(r(N)*prnt)
8. qui count if trmtgp==1 // treatment market in beginning
9. scalar tabgp3=int(r(N)*prnt)
10. *display "tabgp1="tabgp1, "tabgp3=" tabgp3
. gen nsamp=cond(trmtgp==0 , tabgp1, 0) + cond(trmtgp==1, tabgp3, 0)
. bsample_correction010710 nsamp, cluster(pat_zip) strata(trmtgp)
12. egen mean_dist=mean(dis)
13. display "_N=" _N, "mean_dis=" mean_dis
14. }
SRSWR already defined
(error occurred while loading bsample_correction010710.ado)
bsample.ado Currently reads:
if _rc {
di as err
"resample size must not be greater than number of clusters"
exit 498
Should be:
if _rc {
di as err ///
"resample size must not be greater than number of clusters"
exit 498
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