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Re: FW: st: AW: problem with -contract-

From   "Karen Wright" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: FW: st: AW: problem with -contract-
Date   Wed, 06 Jan 2010 14:52:03 +0000

It is a generalized weighted kappa for multiple readers.  The code that I have written to do the calculations is very basic and will probably make you experienced programmers cringe!  I attempted writting my own program but gave up and just used seperate commands to give out the answer I require.  Unfortunately i also run into problems with  extending the code to deal with any greater than 5 readers as I generate variables.  i can post the commands (below), but as I say they are guaranteed not the best/efficient/etc way to do the calculations!

the data entered is contracted (using the zero option) with each variable named reader1, reader2, reader3, etc.

for three readers the code is:

loc m = 3
loc r = 4

*Generate the weights:
forval i=1/`m' {
	forval j=`i'/`m' {
		gen w_`i'`j' = abs(reader`i' - reader`j')
egen weight = rowtotal(w*)
drop w_*

summ _freq, detail
loc nobs = r(sum)
loc n2 = `nobs'^2
di `n2'
gen wn = weight*_freq
summ wn
loc w_n = r(sum)
loc numer = `w_n'*`n2'
di `numer'

forval a=1/`r' {
	summ _freq if reader1==`a' 
	loc A_`a' = r(sum)
	summ _freq if reader2==`a' 
	loc B_`a' = r(sum)
	summ _freq if reader3==`a' 
	loc C_`a' = r(sum)
forval a=1/4 {
	forval b=1/4 {
		forval c=1/4 {
qui gen d_`a'`b'`c' = weight*`A_`a''*`B_`b''*`C_`c'' if reader1==`a' & reader2==`b' & reader3==`c'
egen den = rowtotal(d_111-d_`r'`r'`r')
drop d_*
loc denom = r(sum)
di `denom'
loc k=`numer'/`denom'
loc kappa = 1 - `k'
di `kappa'


>>> Maarten buis <[email protected]> 06/01/2010 14:39 >>>
--- On Wed, 6/1/10, Karen Wright wrote:
> It is to be used in calculations
> which require all of the combinations
> to be present.

There is usually a way around that, but
we obviously cannot tell you what that is, 
if you don't tell is what that computation

-- Maarten

Maarten L. Buis
Institut fuer Soziologie
Universitaet Tuebingen
Wilhelmstrasse 36
72074 Tuebingen


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