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st: getting list of open files

From   Jeph Herrin <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: getting list of open files
Date   Tue, 05 Jan 2010 14:28:20 -0500

I have been using -file- and it's subcommands to
do a lot of report writing; thus, I have written a
number of subroutines that use file handles to output
formatted text.

These would be easier to code if I could get a list of
open file handles. -file query- (which seems to have
no documentation other than that it exists) will output
the list of file handles, their type, and status, but
only returns -r(N)-, the number of open files.

Is there another way to get the list of open file handles
in a macro where I can manipulate them? Barring something
simpler, I can write a script to open a log file, call
-file query-, close the log file, then parse the log file
into a table, but that's messy for something I would want
to call in all of my subroutines.

Any other ideas?


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