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Re: st: MI: strange problem

From   John Antonakis <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: MI: strange problem
Date   Mon, 04 Jan 2010 18:26:40 +0100


This solves the issue!  Thank you.



Prof. John Antonakis, Associate Dean
Faculty of Business and Economics
Department of Organizational Behavior
University of Lausanne
Internef #618
CH-1015 Lausanne-Dorigny

Tel ++41 (0)21 692-3438
Fax ++41 (0)21 692-3305

Faculty page:

Personal page:

On 04.01.2010 16:05, Yulia Marchenko, StataCorp LP wrote:
> John Antonakis <[email protected]> asked about the r(111), "variable not > found", error after -mi impute-: > >> I am trying to use -mi-. I run the following with a data set that has not
>> been declared as panel:
>> qui mi set mlong
>> qui mi register imputed rule mal94p
>> qui set seed 29390
>> mi impute mvn rule mal94p = lat loggdp2 pop100km rel_frac, add(10)
>> I get the following error:
>> . mi impute mvn rule mal94p = lat loggdp2 pop100km rel_frac, add(10)
>> variable year not found
>> r(111);
>> I don't have a variable named YEAR in the dataset.
>> ...
>> Any ideas?
> -mi impute- checks if the variables declared as -tsset-, -xtset-, etc. are > also registered as imputed or passive variables and issues an error if they > are or if they don't exist. The error message John encountered is most likely > due to variable "year" being previously declared as a time or panel variable > with -tsset- or -xtset- and then dropped from the dataset. We will improve
> this error message in the future.
> Prior to using -mi-, John should clear old no-longer-valid time-series or
> panel-data settings by typing
>   . xtset, clear
> or
>   . tsset, clear
> before -mi set-ing the data or
>   .  mi xtset, clear
> or
>   . mi tsset, clear
> after -mi set-ing the data. If this does not solve John's issue, John can > send me his dataset privately and I'd be happy to take a look at the problem
> and report back to the list.
> --Yulia
> [email protected]
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