Dear Martin,
Many thanks, "esttab, eqlabels(none)" is exactly what I need for this.
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 4:08 PM, Shige Song <> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I generated the following output:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Model 1 Model 2
> Model 3
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> pi
> Pre-Famine Cohort 0.73 0.68
> 0.67
> [0.44,1.20] [0.43,1.08]
> [0.42,1.06]
> Years of Schooling 0.97
> 0.97
> [0.92,1.02]
> [0.92,1.01]
> Ethnic Majority 0.77
> 0.76
> [0.41,1.44]
> [0.40,1.42]
> Want Children
> 0.24**
> [0.09,0.63]
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> AIC 22556 21950
> 21946
> BIC 22593 22008
> 22012
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Exponentiated coefficients; 95% confidence intervals in brackets
> * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
> using the following commands:
> esttab m1 m2 m3, aic(%8.0f) bic(%8.0f) ci(%8.2f) eform b(%8.2f) label
> nonumbers nodepvars mtitles("Model 1" "Model 2" "Model 3") noobs
> nonumber width(1\hsize) noeqlines
> I want to get rid of the "pi" on the upper left corner of the output,
> which is the name of the equation (the results were extracted from a
> set of cure fraction models "strsmix"). Now I have to manually delete
> the row every time I run the model, which is not as convenient as I
> would like it to be. Can anybody give me a hint how to get rid of it
> by tweaking the code? Many thanks, and happy new year!
> Best,
> Shige
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