one place to start is with
Rabe-Hesketh, S and Skrondal, A (2006), "Multilevel modelling of complex
survey data", _Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A_,
169(4): 805-827; their examples use -gllamm- which is downloadable via ssc
Hillel Alpert wrote:
> Has anyone experience with multilevel modeling of survey data with strata and weights?
> The prospective analysis will examine country-level effects in addition to individual effects on a binary outcome. Within countries, the survey responses are stratified by school and class and weighted for unequal selection probabilities. So the data include country, stratum, psu, and weight variables.
> Could anyone describe or provide an example of the command to use and syntax, how to assign levels and the weight variable (eg. using xtmelogit or more appropriate command)?
> Hillel Alpert
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