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Re: st: Info Loading Stata-10-files in PASW-18

From   Maarten buis <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Info Loading Stata-10-files in PASW-18
Date   Tue, 22 Dec 2009 03:07:17 -0800 (PST)

--- On Tue, 22/12/09, Kaulisch, Marc wrote:
> I hope this information is appropriate for this group,
> especially for those also working with PASW Statistics: The
> patch 18.01 of PASW Statistics does not allow to load
> Stata-10-files (I have not tested any other) anymore
> although PASW 18 does! So if you use the feature loading
> Stata files directly into PASW 18 be aware of this - in my
> words -  bug of the PASW 18.01 patch.

One way to work around that is to use Stattransfer 
( to move datasets from one 
format to the other. I have mostly used it the other way 
around, SPSS --> Stata rather than Stata --> SPSS, but it 
worked very well for me, so it will likely also work in 
your case.

> I did not receive any information on the reason of this
> regression but SPSS Technical Support says that loading
> Stata-10 files is officially not supported in PASW 18 in the
> first place - so getting this feature back in is an
> enhancement...

I have heard this type of complaint about the techsupport of 
SPSS before. If you get a response at all, than the basic 
format of that respons tends to be: "Buy our new version of 
SPSS (or PASW or whatever they want to call it) in a year or 
so, which may or may not solve your problem, and you will 
only find out once you have given us your money."

This compares rather unfavourably with the typical response 
you get from Stata's tech support, whose basic format tends 
to be: "We will fix that in the next free update of Stata 
which will be available in a week or two, in the mean time 
this is what you can do to work around that problem"

Conclussion, use Stata. Not a very surprising conclusion, 
given that this is the Statalist ;-) 

Hope this helps,

Maarten L. Buis
Institut fuer Soziologie
Universitaet Tuebingen
Wilhelmstrasse 36
72074 Tuebingen


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