At 11:06 AM 12/14/2009, Daniel J. Quinones wrote:
I am using Stata 10.1.
At first I was simply using "mfx compute," as I had done with a probit
model. I am now using "mfx compute, predict outcome(#))" where # represents
an outcome of my dependent variable. The latter method provides results.
Again, -margeff- or -mfx2- can simplify your life, by automating the
process so you get every outcome with a single command. -margeff- is
also faster than -mfx- and offers additional powerful options.
Is there a function for ologit similar to what lstat does for probit
(specifically to get a % for correctly predicted)? I would like to get some
idea of my model's reliability.
Not to my knowledge. I've never been that fond of -lstat-
anyway. Especially if the outcome is relatively rare, or common, you
can wind up having all the cases be predicted as a 1 or else as a 0.
You might consider the -leastlikely- command, which is part of Long
and Freese's -spost9- package. It will help to identify those cases
where the model seems to be having the most trouble.
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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