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Re: st: Random Coefficients in Crossed-Effects Models
From |
[email protected] (Roberto G. Gutierrez, StataCorp) |
To |
[email protected] |
Subject |
Re: st: Random Coefficients in Crossed-Effects Models |
Date |
Thu, 10 Dec 2009 10:41:10 -0600 |
Andrew Spiegelman <[email protected]> asks about fitting a mixed model with
crossed random coefficients in addition to the standard crossed random
> I am using Stata MP version 10 in Windows. I would like to run a
> crossed-effects model using xtmixed. Further, I would like this model to
> have random coefficients in addition to the random intercepts it normally
> produces. For example, a basic crossed-effects model looks like
> xtmixed depvar indepvar || _all: R.groupvar1 || groupvar2:
> where groupvar1 and groupvar2 are the two groups I would like to estimate
> random effects for but would like them not to be nested within each other
> (hence why I wish to use a crossed-effects model). But this model does not
> appear to permit the use of random coefficients the way the more basic
> xtmixed command does:
> xtmixed depvar indepvar || groupvar: indepvar
> In the above case my output will contain a random intercept organized by the
> group groupvar and will also have a random coefficient on indepvar
> associated with groupvar.
> My question is, how can I get the random coefficient into a crossed-effects
> model? Specifically, I'd like the random coefficient to occur in BOTH
> groups.
Such a model is not straightforward in -xtmixed-, but it is possible to do
this if you manually replicate the work that the "R." factor notation does for
Begin by first generating a set of dummy variables that identify the groups
defined by -groupvar1-:
. tabulate groupvar1, gen(id1_)
Then, generate interactions of these dummy variables with the independent
variable on which you want to have random coefficients at the levels of
. foreach var of varlist id1_* {
gen `var'Xindepvar = `var' * indepvar
Finally, now that you have the variables -id1_*Xindepvar-, you can include
these within -xtmixed- as an additional random-effects term at the "_all:"
. xtmixed depvar indepvar || _all:R.groupvar
|| _all:id1_*Xindepvar, noconstant cov(identity)
|| groupvar2: indepvar
That should do the trick.
[email protected]
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