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Re: st: AW: RE: How to adjust the content of a local macro?

From   Joachim Landström <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: AW: RE: How to adjust the content of a local macro?
Date   Thu, 10 Dec 2009 14:33:25 +0100

As I have promised, I hereby send the code. It has been improved based on our conversations so far in the following ways:
#1 -meanonly- is now implemented
#2 All obs in the complete datastet that has too few observations are dropped using Nick's -egen- method.
#3 tempnames have been removed.
#4 I try to reserve the use -local- to those situations when it is absolutely necessary.
#5 Unnecessary usage of -if- statements have been eliminated.

Any suggestions for further improvement is greatly appreciated.

I am considering to try to run seprate regressions on the complete database without any loops using -statsby- or perhaps -by-, but that requires that I add variables to the complete dataset, and I have previously been meeting the memory restrictions doing so. After implementation of Nick's -egen- idea I managed to drop about 2.5 million obs from the dataset, so I may now be able to do so proceed with dataset wide regressions.

I will do a seprate post with a short transcript from the two databases that I join.

*********** Beginning Code **************
capture program drop GetExpectedAnnualReturn
program define GetExpectedAnnualReturn
	version 10
	args mrkData estimationPeriod

	tempvar dependentVar marketRiskpremium expectedReturn

	use `mrkData', clear

	quietly ///

		local tDelta = r(tdelta)

		replace riskFreereturn = riskFreereturn / floor( 365 / r(tdelta) )

		generate `marketRiskpremium' = marketReturn - riskFreereturn

		summarize `marketRiskpremium', meanonly
		local ERP = r(mean)

		summarize SMBtr, meanonly
		local SMB = r(mean)

		summarize HMLtr, meanonly
		local HML = r(mean)

	local requiredEstimationPeriod = `estimationPeriod' * floor( 365 / `tDelta' )

	display " "
	display as text "The Ex Post Weekly Average Premiums "
	display in smcl in green "{hline 35}"
	display as text "Equity Risk Premium  " as result %9.7f `ERP'
	display as text "Small-Minus_Big  " as result %9.7f `SMB'
	display as text "High-Minus-Low  " as result %9.7f `HML'
	display in smcl in green "{hline 35}"
	display " "

	use us_data_ret, clear

	// Snipet below thanks to Nick Cox
	egen nvalid = count(totalReturn), by(id)
	drop if nvalid < `requiredEstimationPeriod'
	drop nvalid

	// Create sample based on id
	drop if id > 101
	// drop if id < 8125

	// Restrict sample based on time
	// drop if year > 1997
	// drop if year < 1995

	display in text "Time to join data"

	joinby date using `mrkData'

	quietly ///
		format date %tg

		levelsof id, local(panelVar)

		local counter : word count `panelVar'

		local adjPanelVar = "`panelVar'"


	display in text "Time for loop over `counter' panelids"
	local counter2 = `counter' - 100

	quietly foreach i of local panelVar ///
		if `counter' <= `counter2' ///
			local counter2 = `counter' - 100
			noisily display as text "`counter' panelids remains"

		restore, preserve
		drop if id != `i'

		summarize totalReturn, meanonly

		if  `r(N)' >= `requiredEstimationPeriod' ///
			tempfile `i'data

			generate `dependentVar' = totalReturn - riskFreereturn
			generate `marketRiskpremium' = marketReturn - riskFreereturn

			generate float b = .
			generate float s = .
			generate float h = .
			generate double `expectedReturn' = .
			generate float expectedannualReturn = .

label variable b "Factor loading for risk premium in 3-F CAPM over all available data" label variable s "Factor loading for SMB premium in 3-F CAPM over all available data" label variable h "Factor loading for HML premium in 3-F CAPM over all available data" label variable expectedannualReturn "Expected Annualized Return (time-varying ) measured using 3-F CAPM over all available data"

			regress `dependentVar' `marketRiskpremium' SMB HML

			replace b = _b[`marketRiskpremium']
			replace s = _b[SMBtr]
			replace h = _b[HMLtr]

			summarize year, meanonly

			forvalues j = `r(min)' / `r(max)' ///
				summarize date if year == `j', meanonly
				drop if year == `j' & date < r(max)

			save ``i'data'

		local counter = `counter' - 1


	quietly /// Merge the data.
			display in yellow "Merge the data"

			drop if id != .

			foreach j of local panelVar ///
				append using ``j'data'

				local ++j


	quietly ///
		replace `expectedReturn' = riskFreereturn / floor( 365 / `tDelta' ) + ///
					b * `ERP' + ///
					s * `SMB' + ///
					h * `HML'

		replace expectedannualReturn = (1 + `expectedReturn') ^ ///
					( 365 / `tDelta' ) - 1 if totalReturn != .

		summarize year if totalReturn != .

		drop if year == `r(max)'

		replace year = year + 1

		replace b = . if totalReturn == .
		replace s = . if totalReturn == .
		replace h = . if totalReturn == .

		keep id dscd year b s h expectedannualReturn

		restore, not

label data "Expected Annualized Return (time-varying ), measured using 3-F CAPM over all available data"
******** End of Code ***************

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