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st: combining values distributed over multiple observations

From   Mark Pachucki <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: combining values distributed over multiple observations
Date   Tue, 8 Dec 2009 17:34:56 -0500

Hello - this seems like an exceedingly simple question, but couldn't find a reference to relevant syntax in the help. What I'm essentially trying to do is go from the below format, where a given variable "A" takes different values at discrete observations arrayed over T1-T5: 

var   T1      T2      T3      T4     T5

A   .129       .         .          .         .
A      .          .647   .          .         .
A      .           .        .991    .         .
A      .           .         .        .582    .
A      .           .         .         .       .043

to the following format, wherein all values of A at each time are compressed into one observation : 

var      T1        T2      T3      T4     T5

A       .129     .647  .991   .582  .043

It seems to be at the intersection of ideas behind reshape / stack (and even stjoin - except it's not survival-time data). Yet doesn't fall neatly within any (or does it?) 

Thanks in advance, 
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