When a model gets to be this fragile, the very general possibilities are
you are trying to include more predictors and/or use a model that the
data won't bear. Either way, retreat to something much simpler and then
build up to see where the problems enter.
[email protected]
I'm seeing some huge test statistics that I can't seem to explain. I
run -logit- on a set of regressors (some of them dummies, most of them
not; some country level, some firm level variables), and I also
interact all the regressors with another dummy and include those as
well. I then test for the significance of all the interaction terms.
The test statistics under this baseline model are in a reasonable
range; however, when I add just one more country level variable (which
is continuous), the test statistic on the interaction term goes crazy
and hits a number between 4-7 figures. Does anyone have an idea why
this might be happening? I'm showing part of the output below to give
you an idea:
africa (d) -177.1579***
small (d) -0.6886***
_IafrXsmall_1 (d) -0.3126
medium (d) -0.1960***
_IafrXmediu_1 (d) -0.1700
foreign (d) -0.2349***
_IafrXforei_1 (d) 0.2128
exporter (d) 0.2909***
_IafrXexpor_1 (d) -0.4631***
manufacturing (d) 0.5076***
_IafrXmanuf_1 (d) -0.9735***
services (d) -0.2403
_IafrXservi_1 (d) -0.9857*
gdp_gr 6.8111
_IafrXgdp_g_1 4.0075
inf -1.6883
_IafrXinf_1 49.0775***
kkm 0.8556**
_IafrXkkm_1 -13.0895***
ca_gdp 1.2100
_IafrXca_gd_1 128.8948***
bc -1.3390
_IafrXbc_1 75.3131***
fos -2.1180***
_IafrXfos_1 96.0801***
gdp_pc -0.0085
_IafrXgdp_p_1 -6.8328***
ln_pd 0.2728*
_IafrXln_pd_1 7.3811***
natres -0.2812
_IafrXnatre_1 133.4017***
ln_population -0.0640
_IafrXln_po_1 24.6676***
ofc (d) -0.9053
pop_gdp -0.0151
_IafrXpop_g_1 -705.4406
sec2prim_enrol 0.4339
_IafrXsec2p_1 133.0970***
new_geobrpen -0.1639 --> The variable that was added
to the baseline regression
_IafrXnew_g_1 35.1637***
N 32367
Chi_ln_pd 1580.0943
p_ln_pd 0.0000
Chi_ln_pop 12780.4619
p_ln_pop 0.0000
Chi_gdp_gr 9.5544
p_gdp_gr 0.0020
Chi_inf 8281.7145
p_inf 0.0000
Chi_kkm 9608.6463
p_kkm 0.0000
Chi_ca_gdp 4513.9768
p_ca_gdp 0.0000
Chi_new_geobrpen 1051.8437
p_new_geobrpen 0.0000
Chi_new_geobrpen 1051.8437
p_new_geobrpen 0.0000
Any idea would be appreciated.
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