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st: Thread-Index: AQHKddwLm25aOs1qF02DtWnWkRquDg==

From   "Burri, Andrea" <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Thread-Index: AQHKddwLm25aOs1qF02DtWnWkRquDg==
Date   Sat, 5 Dec 2009 18:52:09 +0000

Add. info to my former query (see below)
 I would be really grateful if anyone could give me an idea why error message: post __000003 not found keeps coming up, thanks a lot

 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- end
diagt ---
- gen `se_``sc'''=`r(sens)'
= gen __000005=100
- replace `se_``sc'''=0 if `se_``sc'''==.
= replace __000005=0 if __000005==.
- replace `se_``sc'''=. if `T_``sc'''==. | `gold'==.
= replace __000005=. if __000004==. | fsdsA==.
- gen `sel_``sc'''=`r(sens_lb)'
= gen __000006=99.34460288744398
- replace `sel_``sc'''=0 if `sel_``sc'''==.
= replace __000006=0 if __000006==.
- replace `sel_``sc'''=0 if `sel_``sc'''<0
= replace __000006=0 if __000006<0
- replace `sel_``sc'''=. if `T_``sc'''==. | `gold'==.
= replace __000006=. if __000004==. | fsdsA==.
- gen `seu_``sc'''=`r(sens_ub)'
= gen __000007=100
- replace `seu_``sc'''=0 if `seu_``sc'''==.
= replace __000007=0 if __000007==.
- replace `sel_``sc'''=100 if `sel_``sc'''>100
= replace __000006=100 if __000006>100
- replace `seu_``sc'''=. if `T_``sc'''==. | `gold'==.
= replace __000007=. if __000004==. | fsdsA==.
- gen `sp_``sc'''=`r(spec)'
= gen __000008=.3412969283276451
- replace `sp_``sc'''=0 if `sp_``sc'''==.
= replace __000008=0 if __000008==.
- replace `sp_``sc'''=. if `T_``sc'''==. | `gold'==.
= replace __000008=. if __000004==. | fsdsA==.
- gen `spl_``sc'''=`r(spec_lb)'
= gen __000009=.0086405167828715
- replace `spl_``sc'''=0 if `spl_``sc'''==.
= replace __000009=0 if __000009==.
- replace `spl_``sc'''=0 if `spl_``sc'''<0
= replace __000009=0 if __000009<0
- replace `spl_``sc'''=. if `T_``sc'''==. | `gold'==.
= replace __000009=. if __000004==. | fsdsA==.
- gen `spu_``sc'''=`r(spec_ub)'
= gen __00000A=1.886815805691103
- replace `spu_``sc'''=0 if `spu_``sc'''==.
= replace __00000A=0 if __00000A==.
- replace `spl_``sc'''=100 if `spl_``sc'''>100
= replace __000009=100 if __000009>100
- replace `spu_``sc'''=. if `T_``sc'''==. | `gold'==.
= replace __00000A=. if __000004==. | fsdsA==.
- post `seVSsp' (`sc') (`se_``sc''') (`sel_``sc''') (`seu_``sc''')
(`sp_``sc''') (`spl
> _``sc''') (`spu_``sc''')
= post __000003 (-2.087281227111816) (__000005) (__000006) (__000007)
(__000008) (__00
> 0009) (__00000A)
post __000003 not found
  local sc = `sc' + `interval'
------------------------------------------------------------------------ end
roctg ---

I am trying to dichotomize my var1 (continous) according to the cut-off in the roc... (var2 is dicho)
I downloaded the ado roctg and the diagt and typed in the following commands

roctg var2 var1, cont interval(1)

but it gives me out
post __000003 not found

Any help is much appreciated


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