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Re: st: Still Thinking or Resisting

From   Hua Peng <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Still Thinking or Resisting
Date   Fri, 04 Dec 2009 15:27:15 -0600

Sungbok Lee <[email protected]> has an example which shows that Stata
for Windows becomes very slow when many graphs are shown in a single
graph window as tabs. We have reproduced this and will work toward
getting this resolved in a future executable update.

[email protected]

javanfish wrote:
Thanks for your comments. I also saved all graphs generated by loop and selected graphs for combining with the commands of `graph use' and `graph store' by loop. But, sometimes, I press a button for maximizing the window size without a caution. This freezing problem occurs even when pressing 'graph edit'. My STATA 11 is 64-bit MP version on Windows Vista. I allocate 20g for memory partly because my data size is huge and partly because the installed memory is 32g. I also simulated a simple case. I found that it may depend on the number of graphs, the allocated memory size and the option of graphic window. Actually, it does not matter with the capacity of processing graphs in STATA. I sometimes hope to save the codes even when encountering this freezing. Thanks again, and I will communicate with later.

If anyone is wondering this problem, try it.

* open stata --> edit --> preferences --> graph preferences --> check "Create multiple graphs as tabs in a single window"

clear all
set more off
set mem 10g /* <- change as you have */

set graphics on

set obs 2000
gen x = runiform()
gen y = rnormal()

local in = 40 /* <- change as you want */
forvalues i=1(1)`in'{

twoway(scatter x y)(line y x), name(toy`i')

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