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st: nestreg discrepancy
Hi everyone,
I apologize if this is a naive question, but what I understand is that
the LR test p-value should be close to the p-value obtained from t (or
wald statistic).
That's why I wonder the huge discrepancy I got (the likelihood ratio
test p-value estimated with nestreg differs so dramatically from the t
statistic p-value from regress).
Here are the results (see block 5=fe_i and block 6=lnai....both
variables are continuous):
. xi: regress fc_i edad tas_i tad_i lnhb fe_i lnai lnlinfos lnpcr
ingprevio i.sexo*i.acxfa hta bcrdhh diuretico_previo iecaprevia
bbloq_previo tnihigh
i.sexo _Isexo_0-1 (naturally coded; _Isexo_0 omitted)
i.acxfa _Iacxfa_0-1 (naturally coded; _Iacxfa_0 omitted)
i.sexo*i.acxfa _IsexXacx_#_# (coded as above)
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 1041
-------------+------------------------------ F( 18, 1022) = 31.23
Model | 290798.843 18 16155.4913 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 528729.619 1022 517.347964 R-squared = 0.3548
-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.3435
Total | 819528.462 1040 788.008136 Root MSE = 22.745
fc_i | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
edad | -.2057782 .0710256 -2.90 0.004 -.345151 -.0664054
tas_i | -.0866522 .0296956 -2.92 0.004 -.1449235 -.0283809
tad_i | .3368084 .0533858 6.31 0.000 .23205 .4415668
lnhb | 232.2925 62.88337 3.69 0.000 108.8973 355.6878
fe_i | -.1953163 .0531564 -3.67 0.000 -.2996245 -.0910081
lnai | -15.30499 4.041561 -3.79 0.000 -23.2357 -7.374289
lnlinfos | 4.467231 1.00385 4.45 0.000 2.497387 6.437075
lnpcr | 2.542625 .8110956 3.13 0.002 .9510214 4.134228
ingprevio | -5.532232 1.636256 -3.38 0.001 -8.743038 -2.321426
_Isexo_1 | -.7361195 2.043631 -0.36 0.719 -4.746311 3.274072
_Iacxfa_1 | 26.54113 2.159557 12.29 0.000 22.30346 30.7788
_IsexXacx_~1 | -7.450133 2.879739 -2.59 0.010 -13.10101 -1.799257
hta | -3.516089 1.90403 -1.85 0.065 -7.252343 .220166
bcrdhh | -5.498154 2.602638 -2.11 0.035 -10.60528 -.3910296
diuretico_~o | -5.002201 1.751223 -2.86 0.004 -8.438604 -1.565798
iecaprevia | -3.147983 1.555494 -2.02 0.043 -6.20031 -.0956568
bbloq_previo | -9.443874 1.706497 -5.53 0.000 -12.79251 -6.095236
tnihigh | 6.651076 1.666292 3.99 0.000 3.381331 9.920821
_cons | -1037.17 314.5672 -3.30 0.001 -1654.442 -419.8988
. xi: nestreg, lr quietly: regress fc_i edad tas_i tad_i lnhb fe_i
lnai lnlinfos lnpcr ingprevio i.sexo*i.acxfa hta bcrdhh
diuretico_previo iecaprevia bbloq_previo tnihigh
i.sexo _Isexo_0-1 (naturally coded; _Isexo_0 omitted)
i.acxfa _Iacxfa_0-1 (naturally coded; _Iacxfa_0 omitted)
i.sexo*i.acxfa _IsexXacx_#_# (coded as above)
Block 1: edad
Block 2: tas_i
Block 3: tad_i
Block 4: lnhb
Block 5: fe_i
Block 6: lnai
Block 7: lnlinfos
Block 8: lnpcr
Block 9: ingprevio
Block 10: _Isexo_1
Block 11: _Iacxfa_1
Block 12: _IsexXacx_1_1
Block 13: hta
Block 14: bcrdhh
Block 15: diuretico_previo
Block 16: iecaprevia
Block 17: bbloq_previo
Block 18: tnihigh
| Block | LL LR df Pr > LR AIC BIC |
| 1 | -4940.801 14.58 1 0.0001 9885.603 9895.499 |
| 2 | -4935.84 9.92 1 0.0016 9877.68 9892.524 |
| 3 | -4889.166 93.35 1 0.0000 9786.332 9806.123 |
| 4 | -4879.5 19.33 1 0.0000 9769.001 9793.74 |
| 5 | -4879.492 0.02 1 0.8948 9770.983 9800.671 |
| 6 | -4879.02 0.94 1 0.3313 9772.039 9806.675 |
| 7 | -4875.408 7.22 1 0.0072 9766.815 9806.399 |
| 8 | -4868.665 13.48 1 0.0002 9755.331 9799.862 |
| 9 | -4857.788 21.75 1 0.0000 9735.576 9785.055 |
| 10 | -4854.467 6.64 1 0.0100 9730.934 9785.361 |
| 11 | -4765.272 178.39 1 0.0000 9554.545 9613.92 |
| 12 | -4761.665 7.22 1 0.0072 9549.329 9613.653 |
| 13 | -4757.121 9.09 1 0.0026 9542.243 9611.514 |
| 14 | -4754.762 4.72 1 0.0298 9539.524 9613.743 |
| 15 | -4746.742 16.04 1 0.0001 9525.484 9604.651 |
| 16 | -4743.267 6.95 1 0.0084 9520.533 9604.648 |
| 17 | -4728.035 30.46 1 0.0000 9492.071 9581.134 |
| 18 | -4719.984 16.10 1 0.0001 9477.968 9571.978 |
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