The FAQ advises explicitly at
"Say exactly what you typed and exactly what Stata typed (or did) in response. N.B. exactly!"
Ignoring this advice just confused people trying to help and slowed down your own project. Please do pay attention!
[email protected]
Stata Chris
It does ! So that solves my confusion with -nearest-, or rather with the basic syntax of Stata...
Maarten buis
This error message suggest that you put the -if- statement after the
comma, but -if- is not an option (it almost never is) and should thus appear before the comma.
Stata Chris
> You're right that the help menu for -nearest- says if conditions are
> allowed, yet whenever I try to execute nearest in combination with
> some if command (I also tried simple ones, to make sure it's not just
> due to the specifics of which if-command I use), Stata tells me
> "option if not allowed; r(198)". Not sure what to make of that?
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