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RE: st: RE: AW: creating an ordered month variable over several years

From   "Martin Weiss" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: RE: AW: creating an ordered month variable over several years
Date   Sun, 29 Nov 2009 22:58:54 +0100


You are -recast-ing to the -twoway- graph "bar", not the standalone -graph
bar-. If you drilled your way to the very bottom (think, you would find
that these two derive from the same substance, but the major demarcation
line for the end user still runs between the -twoway- graphs and the "rest
of world".

Those hyphens in your command need to be stripped off in any event, and the
double comma does have a special meaning which Nick elucidated in a post
some time in the past, but you may want to stick to one per Stata command


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Michael McCulloch
Sent: Sonntag, 29. November 2009 21:55
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: RE: AW: creating an ordered month variable over several

Martin, that makes sense, and this worked well for the color option,  
but I'm puzzled as to why
which is a legal option of -graph bar-, produces the error message
	option blabel() not allowed
with the following command:
	sc sampled screened noreply m,  xla(576/599,angle(90))  name(s,  
replace), fcolor(green yellow red) recast(bar) -blabel(total)-

On Nov 28, 2009, at 1:58 PM, Martin Weiss wrote:

> <>
> The specification of options is to the -recast- graph, not to the  
> original
> one...
> *******
> sc sampled screened noreply m, xla(576/599,angle(90))  name(s,  
> replace)
> fcolor(green yellow red) recast(bar)
> *******
> Martin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Michael  
> McCulloch
> Sent: Samstag, 28. November 2009 22:47
> To: Statalist Statalist
> Subject: Re: st: RE: AW: creating an ordered month variable over  
> several
> years
> Thank you Austin,
> Your suggestion of the -scatter- command with a -recast- option
> provides exactly what I want to display:
> 	sc sampled screened noreply m, recast(bar)
> This command is the last line of the following complete simulation
> example.
> However, I have been unable to find how to control color, having
> explored both the option commands for -scatter- and -bar-. Can you
> suggest how to do that? I'm seeking a green/yellow/red color scheme
> for sampled/screened/noreply.
> *** begin example
> clear all
> set seed 1
> set obs 1000
> gen id=_n
> gen month=1 + int(12*uniform())
> gen year=2008 + int(2*uniform())
> gen subject_type=1 + int(3*uniform())
> la def lab_subjects 1 "no reply" 2 "screened" 3 "sampled", modify
> la val subject_type lab_subjects
> g m=(year-1960)*12+month-1
> format m %tmm_CY
> la var m "Calendar month"
> levelsof m, loc(vs)
> foreach v of loc vs {
> la def m `v' "`:di `:format m' `v''", modify
> }
> la val m m
> * insert Nick Cox's cum freq table
> by m, sort: gen freq = _N                  // sort by the variable of
> interest and get the frequencies
> by m: gen cumfreq = _N if _n == 1         // get the cumulative
> frequencies
> replace cumfreq = sum(cumfreq)         // The trick here is to put the
> frequencies once more into a variable, ///
>          but only once within each group. We chose to do this for the
> first observation in each group; that ///
>          is what is meant by _n == 1. In many other problems, we
> could do it also for the last observation ///
>          in each group, but that is not good in this problem. The
> cumulative sum produced by the sum() function ///
>          treats all the missing values produced by the previous
> command as 0, which is precisely what we want. ///
>          That is, the cumulative frequency is, as its definition
> requires, the cumulative sum of just one group ///
>          frequency from each group.
> tabdisp m, cell(freq cumfreq)
> byhist m, by(subject_type) disc tw(xla(576/599,angle(90) val))
> contract m subject_type, z f(one)
> reshape wide one, j(subject_type) i(m)
> g noreply=max(0,one1)
> g screened=max(0,one1)+max(0,one2)
> g sampled=max(0,one1)+max(0,one2)+max(0,one3)
> sc sampled screened noreply m, recast(bar) xla(576/599,angle(90))
> name(s)
> *** end example
> Best wishes,
> Michael McCulloch
> Pine Street Foundation
> 124 Pine Street
> San Anselmo, CA 94960-2674
> tel:	415-407-1357
> fax: 	206-338-2391
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Best wishes,

Michael McCulloch
Pine Street Foundation
124 Pine Street
San Anselmo, CA 94960-2674
tel:	415-407-1357
fax: 	206-338-2391

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