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Re: st: Compare ivreg coefficients across models

From   Bart Vanneste <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Compare ivreg coefficients across models
Date   Sun, 29 Nov 2009 06:43:40 -0800 (PST)

Thanks, Austin! This solves the problem.


----- Original Message ----
From: Austin Nichols <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sun, November 29, 2009 4:56:52 AM
Subject: Re: st: Compare ivreg coefficients across models

Bart Vanneste <[email protected]>:
You can try stacking the models and clustering by observation which
should be equivalent to the -suest- approach, but you might also try
bootstrapping to confirm this gives the right answer (stratifying by
three groups: in sample 1 only, in sample 2 only, in both samples).

est clear
sysuse nlsw88, clear
ta south smsa
reg wage hours if south
est sto south
reg wage hours if smsa
est sto smsa
suest south smsa
est sto suest
expand 2
bys idcode: g n=_n
keep if (n==1&south)|(n==2&smsa)
g hours1=hours*!(n==1&south)
g hours2=hours*!(n==2&smsa)
reg wage hours? n, cl(idcode)
est sto stacked
esttab south smsa suest stacked, nogaps mti
* confirm stacked SEs match -suest- SEs above and coefs match in all cases.
ivreg wage (hours=tenure union) if south
est sto south
ivreg wage  (hours=tenure union) if smsa
est sto smsa
expand 2
bys idcode: g n=_n
keep if (n==1&south)|(n==2&smsa)
g hours1=hours*!(n==1&south)
g hours2=hours*!(n==2&smsa)
g ten1=tenure*!(n==1&south)
g ten2=tenure*!(n==2&smsa)
g union1=union*!(n==1&south)
g union2=union*!(n==2&smsa)
ivreg wage (hours?=ten? union?) n, cl(idcode)
est sto stacked
esttab south smsa stacked, nogaps mti

On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 3:09 PM, Bart Vanneste <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have two instrumental variable regression estimated on two partially overlapping samples. I'd like to statistically compare a coefficient of model 1 with a coefficient of model 2. When I use suest to construct a common variance-covariance matrix, I get the following error message:
> (ivregress): ivregress is not supported by suest
> (ivreg2): unable to generate scores for model modelone suest requires that predict allow the score option r(322);
> What should I do to compare two coefficients across iv models?
> Earlier discussion of the same issue did not resolve the problem:
> Any help is greatly appreciated,
> Bart

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