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Re: st: add total group in -sts graph, by()-

From   Maarten buis <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: add total group in -sts graph, by()-
Date   Sun, 29 Nov 2009 10:00:42 +0000 (GMT)

--- On Sun, 29/11/09, Hau Chyi wrote:
> How do I add a total group on the survival graph when I
> specify: -sts
> graph, by(var1)-

You can do it by creating variables to represent those survival curves
with -sts generate- and plot those directly. To get exactly the same 
graphs as -sts graph- you'll need to do a bit of additional data 
manipulation to ensure that the survival curves begin at the point t=0 
and Survival proportion =1.

*-------------------- begin example -------------------------
sysuse cancer, clear
stset studytime, failure(died)
sts gen S_by = s, by(drug)
sts gen S_tot = s

// We want to start the curve at t=0 and Survival proportion = 1
// So we add 3 new observations, one for each group, to represent
// these initial points
gen byte new = 0
set obs `=_N+3'
replace new = 1 if new == .
replace drug = 1 if _n == _N-2
replace drug = 2 if _n == _N-1
replace drug = 3 if _n == _N
replace _t = 0 if new
replace S_by = 1 if new
replace S_tot = 1 if new

twoway line S_by  _t if drug == 1 , sort connect(J) || ///
       line S_by  _t if drug == 2 , sort connect(J) || ///
       line S_by  _t if drug == 3 , sort connect(J) || ///
       line S_tot _t              , sort connect(J)    ///
       legend(order(1 "placebo"                        ///
                    2 "drug 2"                         ///
                    3 "drug 3"                         ///
                    4 "total" ))

// We don't want to keep those "new" observations
drop if new
drop new S_by S_tot
*--------------------------- end example ----------------------
( For more on how to use examples I sent to statalist see: )
Hope this helps,

Maarten L. Buis
Institut fuer Soziologie
Universitaet Tuebingen
Wilhelmstrasse 36
72074 Tuebingen


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