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Re: st: RE: AW: creating an ordered month variable over several years

From   Michael McCulloch <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: AW: creating an ordered month variable over several years
Date   Sat, 28 Nov 2009 14:01:09 -0800

Thanks for the clear explanation Martin, and... the color options work perfectly!

On Nov 28, 2009, at 1:58 PM, Martin Weiss wrote:


The specification of options is to the -recast- graph, not to the original

sc sampled screened noreply m, xla(576/599,angle(90)) name(s, replace)
fcolor(green yellow red) recast(bar)


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Michael McCulloch
Sent: Samstag, 28. November 2009 22:47
To: Statalist Statalist
Subject: Re: st: RE: AW: creating an ordered month variable over several

Thank you Austin,
Your suggestion of the -scatter- command with a -recast- option
provides exactly what I want to display:
	sc sampled screened noreply m, recast(bar)
This command is the last line of the following complete simulation

However, I have been unable to find how to control color, having
explored both the option commands for -scatter- and -bar-. Can you
suggest how to do that? I'm seeking a green/yellow/red color scheme
for sampled/screened/noreply.

*** begin example
clear all
set seed 1
set obs 1000
gen id=_n
gen month=1 + int(12*uniform())
gen year=2008 + int(2*uniform())
gen subject_type=1 + int(3*uniform())
la def lab_subjects 1 "no reply" 2 "screened" 3 "sampled", modify
la val subject_type lab_subjects
g m=(year-1960)*12+month-1
format m %tmm_CY
la var m "Calendar month"
levelsof m, loc(vs)
foreach v of loc vs {
la def m `v' "`:di `:format m' `v''", modify
la val m m
* insert Nick Cox's cum freq table
by m, sort: gen freq = _N                  // sort by the variable of
interest and get the frequencies
by m: gen cumfreq = _N if _n == 1         // get the cumulative
replace cumfreq = sum(cumfreq)         // The trick here is to put the
frequencies once more into a variable, ///
         but only once within each group. We chose to do this for the
first observation in each group; that ///
         is what is meant by _n == 1. In many other problems, we
could do it also for the last observation ///
         in each group, but that is not good in this problem. The
cumulative sum produced by the sum() function ///
         treats all the missing values produced by the previous
command as 0, which is precisely what we want. ///
         That is, the cumulative frequency is, as its definition
requires, the cumulative sum of just one group ///
         frequency from each group.
tabdisp m, cell(freq cumfreq)

byhist m, by(subject_type) disc tw(xla(576/599,angle(90) val))
contract m subject_type, z f(one)
reshape wide one, j(subject_type) i(m)
g noreply=max(0,one1)
g screened=max(0,one1)+max(0,one2)
g sampled=max(0,one1)+max(0,one2)+max(0,one3)
sc sampled screened noreply m, recast(bar) xla(576/599,angle(90))
*** end example

Best wishes,

Michael McCulloch
Pine Street Foundation
124 Pine Street
San Anselmo, CA 94960-2674
tel:	415-407-1357
fax: 	206-338-2391

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Best wishes,

Michael McCulloch
Pine Street Foundation
124 Pine Street
San Anselmo, CA 94960-2674
tel:	415-407-1357
fax: 	206-338-2391

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