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Re: st: RE: AW: creating an ordered month variable over several years

From   Michael McCulloch <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: AW: creating an ordered month variable over several years
Date   Thu, 26 Nov 2009 13:33:36 -0800

Austin, Nick and Martin,
These suggestions are all excellent.
Thank you kindly!

On Nov 26, 2009, at 7:33 AM, Austin Nichols wrote:

A pair of alternative approaches, for side-by-side or stacked bars:

clear all
set seed 1
set obs 1000
gen id=_n
gen month=1 + int(12*uniform())
gen year=2008 + int(2*uniform())
gen subject_type=1 + int(3*uniform())
la def lab_subjects 1 "no reply" 2 "screened" 3 "sampled", modify
la val subject_type lab_subjects
g m=(year-1960)*12+month-1
format m %tmm_CY
la var m "Calendar month"
levelsof m, loc(vs)
foreach v of loc vs {
la def m `v' "`:di `:format m' `v''", modify
la val m m
ssc inst byhist, replace
byhist m, by(subject_type) disc tw(xla(576/599,angle(90) val))
contract m subject_type, z f(one)
reshape wide one, j(subject_type) i(m)
g noreply=max(0,one1)
g screened=max(0,one1)+max(0,one2)
g sampled=max(0,one1)+max(0,one2)+max(0,one3)
sc sampled screened noreply m, recast(bar) xla(576/599,angle(90)) name(s)

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 6:00 AM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
Note that the alternative approach of assigning a date format to a
monthly date variable doesn't seem to help enough.

gen mydate = ym(year, month)
format mydate %tmm_CY

followed by a graph with -by(mydate)- just uses the numbers and not the
format. Mapping that to a string causes display in alphabetical order
(all Aprils first) which is unlikely to be helpful.

-catplot- is a user-written command from SSC, but is not causing this
behaviour. -graph bar, by()- is responsible.

Perhaps there is a work-around.

[email protected]

Martin Weiss

set obs 100
gen id=_n               // subject id
gen month=1 + int(12*uniform())
gen year=2008 + int(2*uniform())
gen subject_type=1 + int(3*uniform())
la def lab_subjects 1 "no reply" 2 "screened" 3 "sampled", modify
la val subject_type lab_subjects
list, noo


//follow special sequences

//generate label for months
tokenize `c(Months)'

forvalues i = 1/12 {
 label def month `i' "``i''" , modify

label val month month

decode month, generate(mon)
gen yearmonth=  mon + " " + string(year)

catplot bar subject_type, by(yearmonth) stack asyvars ///
               bar(1, bcolor(red))     ///
               bar(2, bcolor(yellow))  ///
               bar(3, bcolor(green))

Michael McCulloch

I'd appreciate any feedback on this question: I'd like to create a
variable m_y, which I can sort in order of month over several years.

I've simulated data with:
. clear
. set obs 100
. gen id=_n             // subject id
. gen month=1 + int(12*uniform())
. gen year=2008 + int(2*uniform())
. gen subject_type=1 + int(3*uniform())
. la def lab_subjects 1 "no reply" 2 "screened" 3 "sampled", modify
. la val subject_type lab_subjects
. list, noo

But, I'd like guidance on how to combine month and year into one
ordered variable, to appear with labels such as:
       Jan 2008
       Feb 2008
       Jan 2009
       Feb 2009

That ordered variable would then be displayed in the -by(month)-
option in this graph:
       . catplot bar subject_type, by(month) stack asyvars ///
               bar(1, bcolor(red))     ///
               bar(2, bcolor(yellow))  ///
               bar(3, bcolor(green))

I could use both -over- and -by-, but that looks awkward:
       . catplot bar subject_type, by(year) over(month) stack asyvars
               bar(1, bcolor(red))     ///
               bar(2, bcolor(yellow))  ///
               bar(3, bcolor(green))

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Best wishes,

Michael McCulloch
Pine Street Foundation
124 Pine Street
San Anselmo, CA 94960-2674
tel:	415-407-1357
fax: 	206-338-2391

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