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st: AW: RE: display all categories on pie chart for categorical variables (with some zero values)

From   "Martin Weiss" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: AW: RE: display all categories on pie chart for categorical variables (with some zero values)
Date   Thu, 26 Nov 2009 14:05:26 +0100


This at least gives you all the categories:


inp byte(a b)
2 3 
4 5
7 2
3 6
9	10

gen plotvar=abs(rnormal())

list, noo

	tempfile mytemp
 //get unique values of a and b jointly
	stack a b, into(c) clear
	duplicates drop c, force
	drop _stack
	save `mytemp', replace

//for a
 keep a plotvar
 rename a c
 merge 1:1 c using "`mytemp'"
 replace plotvar=0 if mi(plotvar)
 graph pie plotvar, over(c) missing  /* 
	*/ name(mygra, replace) tit(for a) /* 
  */ nodraw

//for b
 keep b plotvar
 rename b c
 merge 1:1 c using "`mytemp'"
 replace plotvar=0 if mi(plotvar)
 graph pie plotvar, over(c) missing  /* 
	*/ name(mygrb, replace) tit(for b) /* 
	*/ nodraw

graph combine mygra mygrb


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Adam Collins
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 26. November 2009 13:22
An: '[email protected]'
Betreff: st: RE: display all categories on pie chart for categorical
variables (with some zero values)

I expect there is something really simple that I am missing here... but I am
new to Stata and it is doing my head in that I can't display all categories
of a categorical variable on a pie chart...  I am really getting no where
with this problem.  I would really appreciate some help.

I tried exploring ways of storing the "counts" from my categorical variable
values in another variable, such as a matrix which would allow me to store a
"zero count" as a "0" value.  In searching for a solution, I came accross
-fulltab- (from SSC), however it doesn't seem to work (it just displays the
following "program error:  code follows on the same line as open brace").  

Anyway, I am not even sure this is the best approach.  Surely there is
something more straight forward?

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Adam Collins
Sent: mercredi 25 novembre 2009 17:39
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: display all categories on pie chart for categorical variables
(with some zero values)


I have several categorical variables that each possess the same list of
categories (value labels).  

To enable easy comparison of the pie charts, I would like every category to
exist on every chart (so that each category retains the same
colour/settings/legend position etc on each chart).

The problem is that some of the variables contain zero occurrences of
certain values (categories) and the standard 'over(varname)' option with
-graph pie- excludes categories with no occurrences.  I have tried the
'allcategories' option, but since it applies to the 'over()' variable, it
does not help.

Does anyone have any ideas?  (by the way, since this is for a specific set
of categorical variables, it is fine if the categories are 'hard coded',
then applied to each variable)

Thanks again for your help!


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