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st: Retrieving statistics after pstest to use with estout

From   Peer Skov <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Retrieving statistics after pstest to use with estout
Date   Wed, 25 Nov 2009 18:11:35 +0000

Dear listers,
After running a psmatch2 estimation I use pstest to assess the balancing. I would like to set-up an .rtf table showing these t-statistics and the achieved percentage bias reduction for each variable. To avoid copy-typing I usually use estout/esttab, however, I haven’t been able to reproduce an .rtf table holding my desired statistics.  
So far I have tried the following:
eststo psttest: pstest [varlist], sum t(d)
esttab pstest
That gave me the coeff. and t-stats from (what I think is) a probit on treatment status on the matched sample. 
Additionally I have tried using [return] after pstest, my idea was to combine it with estadd. But as far as I can tell [return] did not have variable specific statistics.
As the paper is still in version 1 and we balance on 46 variables and examine outcomes for 3 different treatments stata generated tables is considerable time-saving as well as error minimizing. Therefore, I will be thankful for all suggestions!
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