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st: regression model not working---missing some estimates for constant

From   "McClanahan, Wendy" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: regression model not working---missing some estimates for constant
Date   Wed, 25 Nov 2009 12:57:27 -0500


I am creating propensity scores and having problems.  I have attached
sample output below, but essentially, I am missing constant
estimates---why?  I have also inserted the correlation matrix.  Could be
obvious, but I can't seem to figure it out.  Thanks in advance for your



The treatment is conditr


    conditr |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.


          0 |        168       45.28       45.28

          1 |        203       54.72      100.00


      Total |        371      100.00




Estimation of the propensity score 


Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -254.90009

Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -201.28862

Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -196.28359

Iteration 3:   log likelihood =  -196.0512

Iteration 4:   log likelihood = -196.01419

Iteration 5:   log likelihood = -196.00366

Iteration 6:   log likelihood =  -196.0005

Iteration 7:   log likelihood = -195.99952

Iteration 8:   log likelihood =  -195.9992

Iteration 9:   log likelihood =  -195.9991

Iteration 10:  log likelihood = -195.99906

Iteration 11:  log likelihood = -195.99905

Iteration 12:  log likelihood = -195.99905

Iteration 13:  log likelihood = -195.99905

Iteration 14:  log likelihood = -195.99905

Iteration 15:  log likelihood = -195.99905

Iteration 16:  log likelihood = -195.99905

Iteration 17:  log likelihood = -195.99905

Iteration 18:  log likelihood = -195.99905


Probit regression                                 Number of obs   =

                                                  LR chi2(25)     =

                                                  Prob > chi2     =

Log likelihood = -195.99905                       Pseudo R2       =



     conditr |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf.


        male |    -.57645   .3347819    -1.72   0.085     -1.23261

       black |   .0377613   .4611088     0.08   0.935    -.8659954

    hispanic |   .0660099   .4902179     0.13   0.893    -.8947995

        rage |  -.2695737   .0687635    -3.92   0.000    -.4043476

   indandatx |  -.2326484   .2539289    -0.92   0.360    -.7303399

   rkillbeki |    .107553   .0375467     2.86   0.004     .0339628

misskillbeki |   .1003631   .3335766     0.30   0.764    -.5534351

   rpriprobl |  -.0007468   .0002065    -3.62   0.000    -.0011516

misspriprobl |  -1.037051    .530192    -1.96   0.050    -2.076208

    prisentl |   .0002695    .000188     1.43   0.152     -.000099

    npriarre |   .1270843   .0902608     1.41   0.159    -.0498236

  rinevshot2 |   .2943616   .2340221     1.26   0.208    -.1643133

missinevsh~2 |  -.3160241   .4485965    -0.70   0.481    -1.195257

     maxprop |  -5.787291   1.387791    -4.17   0.000    -8.507312

    inmaxvio |  -6.148892   1.376489    -4.47   0.000    -8.846762

missrmaxpr~h |   1.317619   .6540418     2.01   0.044      .035721

   indrugmax |  -6.115746   1.376529    -4.44   0.000    -8.813693

   rinmenhea |   .8249473   .6164444     1.34   0.181    -.3832616

   rinnochld |   .4171485   .1449789     2.88   0.004     .1329951

missinnochld |    .726482    .492339     1.48   0.140    -.2384847

   rinchldli |  -.2769224   .2119297    -1.31   0.191    -.6922969

missinchldli |  -.9036098   .5262739    -1.72   0.086    -1.935088

   rage1arre |   .0514914   .0818908     0.63   0.529    -.1090117

   inusedrug |   .2347136   .1733593     1.35   0.176    -.1050645

missindrugus |   .0797158   .7884321     0.10   0.919    -1.465583

       _cons |   10.97308          .        .       .            .


Note: 1 failure and 4 successes completely determined.





             |  conditr     male    black hispanic     rage indand~x
misski~i rpripr~l missp~bl


     conditr |   1.0000

        male |  -0.0549   1.0000

       black |  -0.0521  -0.0273   1.0000

    hispanic |   0.0564   0.0075  -0.8927   1.0000

        rage |  -0.3504  -0.0320   0.0376  -0.0339   1.0000

   indandatx |  -0.0398   0.0485  -0.0168   0.0207   0.0197   1.0000

misskillbeki |   0.0500   0.0615   0.0129  -0.0279  -0.0719   0.0398

   rpriprobl |  -0.3120   0.0224  -0.0183   0.0464   0.4112   0.0697
-0.0195   1.0000

misspriprobl |   0.0457  -0.0299  -0.0685  -0.0030  -0.1135  -0.0076
-0.0096  -0.2101   1.0000

    prisentl |  -0.1699   0.0583  -0.0989   0.0958   0.4019   0.1491
0.0260   0.4842  -0.1422

    npriarre |  -0.1010   0.0546  -0.0680   0.0677   0.2817   0.0545
0.0235   0.4954  -0.2853

  rinevshot2 |   0.0145   0.1042   0.0683  -0.0455   0.1144  -0.0744
0.1861   0.0905   0.0042

missinevsh~2 |  -0.0782   0.0471  -0.0388  -0.0301   0.0261   0.0407
-0.0438   0.1714   0.0185

     maxprop |   0.0570   0.0273   0.0146   0.0161  -0.0501  -0.0138
-0.0158  -0.0287  -0.0236

    inmaxvio |  -0.1008  -0.1372  -0.0357  -0.0287   0.1135  -0.0379
0.0162   0.1331   0.1519

missrmaxpr~h |   0.0774  -0.0606  -0.0892   0.0352  -0.0616   0.0228
0.0115  -0.1717   0.8175

   indrugmax |   0.0407   0.1179   0.0146   0.0305  -0.0748   0.0397
0.0007  -0.1000  -0.1360

   rinmenhea |   0.1088  -0.1047  -0.0218   0.0371  -0.0658   0.1228
0.0398  -0.0079  -0.0397

   rinnochld |   0.1616  -0.1241   0.0227   0.0016  -0.0012  -0.0049
0.0528  -0.0108  -0.0897

missinnochld |  -0.0194   0.0020   0.1165  -0.0993   0.0074  -0.0727
0.0510  -0.0205   0.0416

   rinchldli |   0.0527  -0.2299  -0.0228   0.0380   0.0133  -0.0038
0.0985   0.0650  -0.0525

missinchldli |  -0.0774   0.0751   0.1054  -0.0890   0.0357  -0.0972
0.0637   0.0398   0.0542

   rage1arre |  -0.1141  -0.0491   0.0860  -0.0644   0.5460   0.0182
-0.0791  -0.1008  -0.0323

   inusedrug |   0.0838   0.1509   0.0357  -0.0602   0.0433   0.1183
0.0247  -0.0621   0.0385

missindrugus |   0.0219   0.0233   0.0410  -0.0366  -0.0309  -0.0301
-0.0216  -0.0441  -0.0227


             | prisentl npriarre rinevs~2 missin~2  maxprop inmaxvio
missrm~h indrug~x rinmen~a


    prisentl |   1.0000

    npriarre |   0.4485   1.0000

  rinevshot2 |   0.0860   0.1425   1.0000

missinevsh~2 |  -0.0092   0.0440  -0.0002   1.0000

     maxprop |  -0.0211   0.0972  -0.0039  -0.0681   1.0000

    inmaxvio |   0.0500  -0.0587   0.0472   0.0551  -0.3844   1.0000

missrmaxpr~h |  -0.1394  -0.3392  -0.0427  -0.0376  -0.0765   0.1990

   indrugmax |  -0.0187   0.0041  -0.0522  -0.0059  -0.2722  -0.7557
-0.1504   1.0000

   rinmenhea |  -0.0328  -0.0284   0.0399  -0.0289  -0.0588   0.0475
-0.0325  -0.0051   1.0000

   rinnochld |   0.0256   0.0351  -0.0563  -0.0265  -0.0013   0.0170
-0.0627  -0.0045   0.2079

missinnochld |  -0.0813  -0.0503  -0.0068   0.0498  -0.0294  -0.0576
0.0318   0.0695   0.0121

   rinchldli |   0.0788  -0.0440  -0.0708  -0.0313  -0.0165   0.0868
-0.0343  -0.0700   0.1951

missinchldli |  -0.0160  -0.0155   0.0902  -0.0534   0.0146  -0.0195
0.0420   0.0188  -0.0460

   rage1arre |  -0.0621  -0.1244  -0.0547  -0.0223  -0.0404   0.0454
-0.0008  -0.0228  -0.0784

   inusedrug |   0.0121   0.0338   0.0614  -0.0144  -0.1379  -0.1327
0.0438   0.2277  -0.0124

missindrugus |  -0.0078  -0.0637  -0.0244   0.1536   0.0586  -0.0331
-0.0186  -0.0029  -0.0143


             | rinnoc~d missin~d rinchl~i missi~li rage1a~e inused~g


   rinnochld |   1.0000

missinnochld |  -0.0250   1.0000

   rinchldli |   0.5416   0.0000   1.0000

missinchldli |   0.0462   0.7908  -0.0155   1.0000

   rage1arre |   0.0199  -0.0094  -0.0198  -0.0317   1.0000

   inusedrug |   0.0272   0.0168   0.0040   0.0137   0.0822   1.0000

missindrugus |  -0.0105  -0.0283  -0.0307  -0.0264   0.0428   0.0588

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